Ease Out-of-Range Types

Main toolbar > Open Track View > Track View toolbar > Function Curves > Select an Ease Curve track in the Track View Hierarchy. > Ease Out-of-Range Types

Graph Editors menu > Track View > Open Track View > Track View toolbar > Function Curves > Select an Ease Curve track in the Track View Hierarchy. > Ease Out-of-Range Types

Ease Out-of-Range Types displays a dialog where you can assign out-of-range types for the current ease curve.

Ease and multiplier curves use the same out-of-range types as other function curves, with two exceptions:

You will usually want to use the same out-of-range type for ease and multiplier curves that you use for their superior function curve.


To set the out-of-range type for an ease or multiplier curve:

  1. Select one or more ease or multiplier curve items in the Hierarchy list.

  2. Do one of the following.


See Ease Out-of-Range Types Dialog.