[Europe Under Fire 2] By ScnPunk (iNtRePiD) www.scnpunk.com Contents 1) Installation 2) Description 3) How to play 4) Gameplay Styles 5) Gameplay types 6) Problems 7) Updates 1) Installation After unziping the file EUF2.zip Place the files "EUF2.scn" and "EUF2 computer version.scn" in your scenario folder. ..Age of Mythology/Scenario 2) Description Europe Under Fire 2 will features multiple game types in one multiplayer scenario. Players are able to choose from a wide array of game types when they start the map, thus allowing players to play this map time and time again from a fresh perspective. 3) How to begin a Game Europe Under Fire 2 is a game for 2-6 players. When hosting you need to have 7 spots, the 7th spot must be a computer. The computer does not do anything but some tasks to make certain game types work, you need not worry about its skill level. In spots 2-6 you place computer or human players. Computer players are null spots, meaning that when you start up the game they will not do anything. When the game begins you will be greeted by a cinematic. After the cinematic it is the job of the host, player 1 to choose the game style and type. The game style must chosen first, click on the siege weapon that denotes the style you wish to play and move it to the flag. You will receive a message confirming your choice. Next choose a game type from the remaining units. All of the units and the flag will be removed once both the game style and type have been chosen. 4) Gameplay Styles Standard: This is standard AoM gameplay. Deathmatch: You begin the game with a large amount of resources. Lightning: The game has a slightly faster pace to it. Warp Speed: This game has a ridiculously fast pace to it. High Pop: Begin and continue the game with a much higher pop cap then usual. Resourcefulness: You begin the game in the Mythic age with an infinite amount of resources. Legend Portable Ram = Lightning Ballista = Standard Petrobolos = Resourcefulness Catapult = Deathmatct Siege Tower = Warp Speed Helepolis = High Pop 5) Gameplay types Standard: This is your basic start off with a Town Centre build up and crush your opponents type of play. King of the Hill: At the centre of the map lies a Plenty Vault, whoever can control it for 8 minutes wins the game. Nomad: Your civilization specific starting units begin scattered around the map. Sudden Death: If your Citadel falls you have only 2 minutes to claim a settlement in order to stay alive. Regicide: You must protect Arkantos, if he dies you will die. Point Capture: Points will scattered across the map that players can capture to receive bonuses, however the play must station a large number of military units at the point in order to continue receiving benefits. The Unstandard Start: You begin the game with two settlements separated by vast tracts of land and water. You must use your roc to try to put this situation to your advantage. Legend Axeman = Supremacy Cataphracts = Nomad Centaur = King of the Hill Regicide = Cyclops Camelry = The Unstandard Start Dwarf = Sudden Death Avenger = Point Capture 6) Problems If you are having any problems with this map email iNtRePiD at tostupid4u@hotmail.com. Please include a detailed description of the problem you have encountered or your email will be ignored. 7) Updates This is a multiplayer scenario that will be subject to updates. You can find updates at www.scnpunk.com.