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ngWorldStats™ ngTCS™

╖ Epic Games
╖ NetGames USA

ngStats - www.netgamesusa.com
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About ngTCS™



The ngTCS™ - Tourney Control System™ is a powerful and easy to use software system that facilitates, automates, and enhances the process of holding computer gaming tournaments.  Unreal Tournament has built in support to work with ngTCS but the ngTCS software is not included with the retail release. If you wish to organize tournaments either small or large using Unreal Tournament then visit the NetGames USA website for details about both the Pro and Lite versions.

ngTCS Lite

ngTCS Pro

Individuals and
Small LAN Parties

Larger LAN Parties and
Commercial Events

Be sure to check the
ngTCS site at NetGames USA for all the latest information.



Unreal Tournament Logo

Individual Game Stats: | Last Game | Most Recent | Highest Scoring
All-Time Stats: | All Totals | Human Totals | Bot Totals | Rankings
High Scores | Player List
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NetGames USA

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Unreal Tournament™ is a Trademark of Epic Games Inc.
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