A little background about Map This! The only restriction: this is a 32-bit program. In order to run it, you must be running either Win3.1x with Win32s 1.25 or later installed; Windows NT 3.5x; or Windows 95. Running older versions of Win32s, NT, or 95 causes the most problems. Update yourself as soon as possible! From the software developer Todd C. Wilson.......... Please note: if you don't know what image maps are, have never worked with HTML, or have generally no clue as to how WWW and Internet works, then please, do us all a really big favor and don't waste your time downloading this. Any email sent to me (a) whining about how you don't understand (b) complaining about the size of the product (c) complaining about how you can't get it work will be deleted faster than you can believe, and ignored very rudely. home page: http://galadriel.ecaetc.ohio-state.edu/tc/mt/