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NASA Planet Photos

From the early Voyager missions to the latest Hubble images - PC World brings you a hand-picked collection of more than 100 stunning pictures of the solar system. This collection is free for non-commercial use. The pictures are Courtesy of NASA/JPL/California Institute of Technology.
The images in this collection are in .GIF or JPG formats which can be viewed in most web browsers. They can be found in the d:/planets folder of this CD (where d is you CD-ROM drive). Alternatively, many graphics programs allow you to sort files and browse thumb nail images (smaller images that use less resources). GIF and JPG images are highly compressed formats, however, if you paste the JPG images into other documents (such as Microsoft Word), the files will be converted to a less efficient Bitmap format which will require greater resources to store.

The NASA site has more details about each picture.
The filename of each picture has an identifying code, picture version (sometimes omitted) and a brief description. The first part of the filename is NASA's eight-digit identifying number. For example: pia00292.4950-Three Views of Io.jpg The identifying number is pia00292.
If you visit the NASA library (, and select "More query methods", an option will appear to search by identifying number. Enter the identifying number (eg pia00292) and the picture details should appear.

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Click to view the image folder

For instructions on how to view these images, see text at left.

File details
Author/supplier: NASA

Web site:

Licence: Free for non-commercial use.

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