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DirectX 8.0a for Windows 95/98/Me/2000
Important: After installation, the DirectX 8.0a run time cannot be uninstalled. DirectX is a system component. It cannot be uninstalled without reinstalling your operating system. Please also see the disclaimer.

This latest version of DirectX offers updated graphics, faster frame rates and support for massively multiplayer games. It also offers more immersive audio when running and displaying programs rich in multimedia elements such as full-colour graphics, video, 3-D animation, and surround sound. If you had an earlier version of DirectX installed on your system, you will see little difference in available space on your hard drive following the installation. DirectX 8.0a will overwrite any earlier versions.

This package is also known as the 'redist' version. According to Microsoft, it can be applied to 95/98/Me or 2000 (previously there were two separate packages รป hence the larger size of this file). By double-clicking on the package, it will extract its contents to a temporary directory. Double-click on dxsetup.exe located in this directory to start the installation.
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File details
Author/supplier: Microsoft


Operating system: Windows 95/98/Me/2000

Licence: Free

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