Sambar Server V4.03 Production
Please read the documentation PRIOR to sending me e-mail. Due to increasing volumes of e-mail, I cannot respond to questions that are answered in the documentation. Bug reports and feature suggestions are always welcome!

Networking Tools
WWW Ping
IP Lookup
WHOIS Lookup

Search Tools
Site Search

WWW Resources
World Wide Web Consortium
Doctor HTML
Sambar Server

System Administration
The System Administration forms (username 'admin', no password) provides forms for basic site management. Cookies are required to login to the Administration console. See the FAQs if you have problems logging in.

Samples & Demos
Sambar Server Samples demonstrating CGI, WinCGI, Perl, C-DLLs and the Sambar Server Scripting language are available in this distribution.

End-user License
By installing this software you are consenting to be bound by and are becoming party to the Sambar Server End-user License Agreement. If you do not agree with all of the terms of this agreement, please uninstall and discontinue use of this software.

You can modify this page by editing docs/index.htm in the installation directory.

© 1997 Sambar Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.