Pig Version 1.07 Written February, 2000 by Jim Knopf, aka Jim Button. http://home.earthlink.net/~jimknopf/ This is Totally free software. No cost. No guilt. No support. SYNOPSIS: A simple game of dice against the Palm. Don't get greedy. To INSTALL: Hot-Sync the following files into your Palm Pilot: Pig.prc PocketC.prc (Only needed if you don't already have it on your Palm Pilot.) This is the run-time version. Do NOT put it on if you are a programmer who develops using the PocketC compiler. To PLAY: It's you against the Palm. There are 10 rounds in the game; each round consisting of one turn for each player. Players add the score that they attain on each round and the player with the highest score at the end is the winner. The player to go first is determined randomly by the Palm before the game starts. The turn: You may roll the dice as many times as you wish. The total on your first roll becomes the point to AVOID. If you roll that score again before passing, you get no points scored for that round. On the other hand, if the total on your dice is anything other than the point to avoid, you add the total of the dice to your score for that round. After each successful roll, you can stop and decide whether to roll again, or keep the points already attained, and pass the dice. Don't get too greedy. That's why it's called "Pig." But you must be enough of a pig to win. The palm plays a fairly good game of Pig. It does NOT cheat. Statistics are kept on number of games and number of wins. ONE-HANDED PLAY: You can push the Pg-Up button to Roll, push the PG-Down button to pass. SOUNDS: Do you want to play Pig in the middle of important meetings? You can turn off the sounds by running the Prefs program, picking the "general" tab, and turning off all sounds (you can leave "Alarm sound" on.) Now you are in stealth mode. If you beat the Palm in the middle of an important meeting, you must jump up and squeel like a Pig. Shout "Eat slop, bacon boys!" HISTORY: I adapted this from the game called "Not One", which I first saw in the book "More BASIC Computer Games" by David H. Ahl published in 1980. It was evidently called "Pig" in its earlier incarnations. Version summary: 1.07 4/03/00 Improved indication of dice being rolled. 1.06 3/10/00 Improved Palm's intelligence, particularly in round 10. Allow Pg-Up to Roll, Pg-Dwn to Pass, for one-handed play 1.05 2/21/00 Fixed bug that gave Palm the win on a tie game. 1.04 2/12/00 Eliminate annoying dialogue when bust or pass. 1.03 2/11/00 Show who rolled first. 1.02 2/09/00 Added a MENU, with Statistics, Reset, and Help. On (Exit) button, Confirm with user. 1.01 2/08/00 Added Best scores for Player and Palm to statistics. 1.00 2/06/00 Initial release. Legal: ------ This software is provided as is, with no guarantee of fitness for any particular task. The user assumes all responsibility for its use. You can always download the current version here: http://home.earthlink.net/~jimknopf/ Please enjoy. Send comments and suggestions to: ki7q@arrl.net -Jim Knopf, aka Jim Button