PLBM PalmOS Games Order Form October 15, 2000 ============================ P.O. Box 10342, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (USA) Dept 1271 Internet: or Ship To:_______________________________ (Name) _______________________________ (Address) _______________________________ (Include Zip) Phone:(_____)__________________ Email:_________________________ I am paying by: [___Check] [___Money Order] [___Credit Card] Credit Card Type: [___Visa] [___M/C] [___Discovr] [___AMEX] Number: _________-__________-_________-_________ Exp:____/_____ Cardholder Signature: ________________________________________ *** All orders shipped VIA EMAIL - WE NEED YOUR EMAIL! *** +==============================================================+ |Product Name/Description | Price | Serial # | |=======================================+=========+============| | | | | |PLANDER: Palm Planet Lander | $9.95 | PPL_______ | | | | | |PALMPOP: Palm POP! (puzzle & strategy) | $9.95 | PPP_______ | |---------------------------------------+---------+--------+---| | | | | California orders add 7.75% Sales tax | _______ | |---------------------------------------+---------+ | | | | ****US DOLLARS ONLY!**** TOTAL: | | +=======================================+=========+ EMAIL ORDERING: You may fill this order form out and mail it to if you prefer.