Section Products/FaxWare/FaxWare 4

Tobit FaxWare 4 - The ultimate fax solution

Just think about how much money you have been spending so far only for your "fax traffic". Unnecessarily high costs occur for example, because you send your faxes during the day and not automatically at night. You require several PCs with fax modems or probably even fax machines, so that every user can send and receive faxes. In addition, you definitely need a lot of thermal paper which is not only bad for the environment but also extremely expensive. However, everything could be so simple and cheap!

Tobit FaxWare 4 is incredibly useful in every respect! It adapts optimally to the size of your company and »grows« with you. No matter if your employees wish to send only some faxes as easily and as quickly as possible or if you send and receive thousands of faxes every day. You can determine the speed yourself and extend »your« FaxWare installation almost without any restrictions.

Your system supervisor will »fall in love« with FaxWare, as it is so easy to install and to manage. Everybody will be happy about the simple use. Your secretary will no longer have to spend half the day with the distribution of incoming faxes. Your book-keeping department will be able to clearly assign the occuring fax costs to the individual cost centers.

By using the spezial charge optimization tools of Tobit FaxWare, you will reduce your fax costs substantially. Fax broadcasts or fax merges for example will from now on be automatically sent at the cheapest point in time. In addition, FaxWare will calculate the occuring costs even before fax dispatch.

Tobit FaxWare 4 smoothly integrates in your network environment. It currently works as a real operating system extension under Novell NetWare and serves ISDN boards as well as analog fax modems. In addition to many interesting features, it also provides future compatibility. Tobit FaxWare 4 is definitely the right choice for you. More than 30,000 companies have decided in favor of Tobit FaxWare in Germany alone. More than for any other fax solution!

We reserve the right to changes in the software compared to the description in this brochure. In addition, we cannot guarantee that all functions implemented can be carried out on all hardware and in every possible combination.

c 1996 Tobit Software GmbH, Germany
Second, slightly changed edition (March 1997).

Last Update 10-Sep-1997

Copyright © 1997 Tobit Software, Germany. All rights reserved.