================================================================= Odometer v2.0 - 32 bit version - Registration Form ================================================================= Send to: Mr Ribau Frederic Date: ____________________ 83 av. de la republique 92350 Le Plessis Robinson FRANCE From: Name: _________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________ City & area: _________________________________________________ Country: _________________________________________________ [Email]: _________________________________________________ Where did you obtain your copy of Odometer? : ________________ __________________________________________________________ ================================================================= The license and registration fee is : 30 FF or $6 USD Deliver my personal keycode... ( ) by Email ( ) by Letter; Add 5 FF ($1 USD) Payment method (all orders must be prepaid): ( ) Cash included with this letter(most 'economical' method). Only French Franc (FF) and American Dollards (UDS) exchangeable currencies are accepted. ( ) Cheque (Only French Cheque !). All cheques must be issued by, and in the name of, an French accessible bank (i.e. BNP, CL, SG, ...); Personal cheques are -not- accepted. TOTAL FF or $ _______ ENCLOSED IS: ______________ AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ Thank you for your order! =================================================================