BarEyes 1.2 (c) copyright Jeremiah Golden, 1997 ________________________________________________ ___About_________________________________________ BarEyes is a freeware utility that puts eyes that follow the cursor around in the Windows95 tray. The eyes wink and sleep and can be customized using animated icons. ___Installing____________________________________ To install just download and unzip it to a new folder. Then you need to add a shortcut to bareyes.exe in your startup folder if you want the eyes to come up every time you start your computer. ___Usage__________________________________________ Right Clicking on the eyes brings up a menu. About Shows about dialog Options Shows options dialog Re-Align Re-Aligns eyes Exit Exits BarEyes In the options dialog you can turn random blinking and sleeping on or off. You can also set intervals between 1-60 seconds for random blinking and sleeping. The large option lets you switch between 1 and 2 icons in the tray. The ignore option makes the eyes look the opposite direction of the cursor. The icons listbox shows all the animated icons in the BarEyes folder that you can select. ___Animated Icons_________________________________ BarEyes uses animated icons for the eyes. If you would like to make your own eyes make sure that there's 12 frames and there all 16x16. ___Comments_______________________________________ If you have bug reports, comments, or suggestions for BarEyes please send them to me at you can also visit my home page at ___Bugs___________________________________________ . Sometimes the eyes will get confused and you'll have to re-align them. . BarEyes will currently not work properly if your status bar is vertically aligned or uses large fonts. ___History________________________________________ 1.0 . First release 1.1 . Added blinking and sleeping . Added Options Dialog . Fixed top aligned taskbar messing up eyes . Fixed switching resolutions messing up eyes 1.2 . Added animated icons for eyes . Added a large eye option . Added a ignore option . Added a windows and large eye icon ___Disclaimer______________________________________ USE THIS SOFTWARE AT YOUR OWN RISK