C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. Press to exit. Device Select Help Use the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to select the drive or press the drive letter or use the mouse and (LEFT) to select the desired drive. Press to rescan drives to find drives that did not have disks inserted when MPREP was started. Press to exit MPREP. Press to exit. MPREP Options Help Perform Media Verification? Checks the disk for bad sectors and replaces them with spares. All new disks and disks that have been producing errors must be verified. If you do not want to verify the disk, press and then to skip the verify. Perform System Format? Formats the disk for use by the operating system. All new disks must be formatted. If you do not want to format the disk press and then to skip the format. New Volume Label: Places a volume label on the selected disk when it is formatted. This option works only when a system format is performed. Press and type a new disk label then press again. Press to exit. Exit MPREP Help Use the arrow keys or mouse to highlight desired selection and press . 'Yes' exits to the operating system. 'No' returns to the MPREP. Press to exit. MREP Options Help Perform Media Verification? Checks the disk for bad sectors and replaces them with spares. All new disks and disks that have been producing errors must be verified. If you do not want to verify the disk, press and then to skip the verify. Perform System Format? Formats the disk for use by the operating system. All new disks must be formatted. If you do not want to format the disk press and then to skip the format. New Volume Label: Places a volume label on the selected disk when it is formatted. This option works only when a system format is performed. Press and type a new disk label then press again. Press for more help. Press to exit. MREP Options Help (Continued) Interleave: Sets the interleave value for the selected disk. The default setting is no change. To change the interleave press and select a value. The interleave value is used by the drive to space sectors on the disk for maximum performance. Changing the interleave for the disk may improve performance with some computers; however, changing interleave for one computer may degrade performance for others. Enable/Disable Dwell timer? The dwell timer optimizes disk and head life by moving the head over the disk in a random pattern to prevent wear on any one spot. The movement is characterized by a slight ticking sound. The default value for this option is enabled. Press then to disable the dwell timer. Disabling the dwell timer is not recommended. Press for more help. - Press to exit. MPREP -- the Iomega Media Preparation utility program. This is MPREP on-line help. You can get help at any time by pressing . Help is displayed for the currently selected item. Key and mouse prompts are displayed at the bottom of the screen at all times. Mouse buttons are shown as (LEFT) for the left mouse button and (RIGHT) for the right mouse button. Make sure your drives are ready before proceeding. Iomega supported drives must be turned on and have a disk inserted before MPREP can recognize them. Pressing causes MPREP to rescan for drives that previously were not ready. Press for more help. Press to exit. MPREP General Information MPREP is used to prepare Iomega disks for use. To prepare a disk for use, MPREP verifies the disk and then formats it using the system format utility. The verify process searches for bad sectors on the disk and replaces them with spare sectors. This process assures an error free disk and can be used to reclaim disks that have been generating errors. The format process prepares the disk for use with your particular operating system. In addition to verification and formatting, MPREP allows you to set options for 8 inch Bernoulli disks. These options include changing the disk interleave, which may increase disk performance for some applications, and enabling or disabling the dwell timer. Press or for more help. _ Press to exit. Using MPREP Menus When MPREP requires information from you, a menu of choices appears. Use the arrow keys or the mouse, if one is connected, to move the highlight bar over the desired selection. Press or click the (LEFT) mouse button to choose the highlighted selection. Press or click the (RIGHT) mouse button to exit a menu and return to the previous menu. Press or for more help. v Press to exit. The Drive Menu When you exit the initial help window, MPREP displays a list of active Iomega drives. From this list, you select the drive containing the disk you want to prepare for use. To exit MPREP, press or the (RIGHT). Otherwise, select a drive containing the disk you want to prepare. Press or for more help. Press to exit. MPREP Options Screen Use this screen to select the operations you want to perform to prepare the selected disk for use. The number and type of options present on the screen depend on the type of disk selected -- 8 inch, 5 1/4 inch, Bernoulli, LaserSafe, or other Iomega supported disk. The screen is organized with option descriptions on the left and default values on the right. To change the value shown for a particular line, use the arrow keys or (LEFT) to move the highlight bar over the line. When the line is highlighted, press or to change yes/no fields or press and then enter a new value and press again to change multiple value fields such as Volume Label and Interleave fields. When all of the lines show the desired values, highlight the 'Start Utility' line and press or (LEFT) to prepare the selected disk. Press for more help.