C-Worthy (R) Help Librarian Data File Version 1.0 COPYRIGHT (C) 1985 - 1989. All Rights Reserved. Custom Design Systems, Inc. Orem, Utah USA. Press to exit. Adapter Selection Menu The adapter selection menu contains a list of adapters in your system. In this menu you can add and delete adapters from the list. You can select adapters from this list to adjust the adapter options or to determine the type and number of devices connected to the selected adapter. Use (LEFT) to display the devices connected to the desired adapter or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the desired adapter. The following functions can be performed. adds an adapter to the list. deletes an adapter from the list. to examine/change adapter information. or (LEFT) to examine devices attached to the adapter. or (RIGHT) exits the adapter selection window. Press to exit. Device Selection Menu The device selection menu contains a list of devices in your system. In the menu you can add and delete devices from the list. You can select devices from the list to adjust the device information using this menu. Use (LEFT) or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the desired device. The following functions can be performed. adds a device to the list. deletes a device from the list. to examine or change the device information. or (RIGHT) exits the device list. Press to exit. Pseudo Device List This is a list of devices (physical and logical) which will be associated with drive letters. The devices will be assigned drive letters in the order they appear in the list. An '*' on the right side of the window, indicates a pseudo device which has been only partially defined. Use the mouse to select or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar. inserts a new pseudo device. deletes the selected pseudo device from the list. to edit the selected pre/post processor or to edit the selected pseudo device connections. moves the selected device to rearrange the order of devices in the list. or (RIGHT) exits this list. Press to exit. Editing Pseudo Device Connections This window allows you to connect and disconnect various physical devices to pseudo devices. The pseudo device you are working with is shown at the top of the window. Use (LEFT) to make a connection or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar to the device and press . or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. Press to exit. Introduction to GENOAD GENOAD is the Iomega Open Architecture Driver (OAD) custom configuration utility. This is GENOAD on-line help. You can get help at any time by pressing . Help is displayed for the current menu. Key and mouse prompts are displayed at the bottom of the screen at all times. Mouse buttons are shown as (LEFT) for the left mouse button and (RIGHT) for the right mouse button. Use GENOAD to create or edit custom OAD configuration files. The configuration file is necessary for the driver to operate your Bernoulli or LaserSafe subsystems. Initially, GENOAD is used to create an OAD configuration specifically for your system. Later, GENOAD is used to customize or create alternate OAD configurations. Press for more help. % Press to exit. Using GENOAD for Initial Configuration After you have installed the Iomega OAD driver, use GENOAD to create a custom configuration file specifically for your system. (Refer to your "Iomega Drivers for OS/2 User's Manual" for installation instructions.) You can create the OAD configuration file, CONFIG.OAD, automatically by using the Hardware Scan option from the Main Menu. The Hardware Scan option scans the system for adapters and connected devices and automatically creates a valid configuration for your system. After the Hardware Scan is complete, simply exit GENOAD. As you exit, GENOAD will prompt you to save the configuration. Answer yes, and the configuration will be saved to the CONFIG.OAD file. (The suggested file will be "CONFIG". The .OAD extension is added automatically.) After saving the file, reboot the system to load the new configuration. Press or for more Help. Press to Exit. Using GENOAD for Custom Configurations The Hardware Scan option is the easiest way to create a configuration file for a particular system; however, you can manually create a configuration file using the other options in the Main Menu. The rest of this introduction deals with creating a configuration file manually. Manual Configuration When GENOAD requires information from you, a menu of choices appears. Each menu has a specific help screen that can be called by pressing . The menus and help files will help you create a valid configuration file. To create a configuration file manually you must perform each of the following tasks. Press or for more help. Manual Configuration (Cont.) Press to exit. Manual Configuration Tasks 1. Select a starting point for the configuration by choosing an option from the Main Menu. 2. Select the available adapters and devices for your system. 3. Define the settings and options for the available adapters and devices. 4. Define the physical and logical connections between the adapters and devices. 5. Define any pre/post processors for the devices. 6. Save the new configuration to the CONFIG file. Press for more help. Press to exit. Available Adapters This is a list of adapters that can be used in the current configuration. Use (LEFT) to add the adapter or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to add the adapter to the current configuration. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. If a desired adapter does not appear in the list, make sure its .ADP and .OPT files are in the OAD subdirectory. Press to exit. Available Devices This is a list of devices that can be connected to the selected adapter. Use (LEFT) to connect the device to the selected adapter or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to connect the device to the selected adapter. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. If a desired device does not appear in the list, make sure its .DEV and .OPT files are in the OAD subdirectory. Press to exit. Available Pseudo Devices This is a list of a pseudo devices available in this configuration. Use (LEFT) to add the pseudo device or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to add the pseudo device to the logical definitions list. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. If a desired pseudo device does not appear in the list, make sure its .DEV and .OPT files are in the OAD subdirectory. Press to exit. Configuration Options Menu This menu allows you to define exactly what adapters and devices will be contained in this configuration. Use (LEFT) to select the option or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to select the option. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. The "Define Physical Devices" option allows you to view or change adapters and physical devices used in this configuration. The "Define Logical Devices" option allows you to view or change the logical definitions (pseudo devices and pre/post processors) for this configuration. You cannot make logical definitions until after a physical device has been defined. The "Generate Configuration Map" option generates a table of the adapters and devices already defined for this configuration. Press to exit. Main Menu The options in this menu are used to select a starting point for your configuration. You can create a custom configuration from scratch, edit an existing configuration, or use the scan option to create a custom configuration automatically. Use (LEFT) to select from the menu or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to execute the selected option. or (RIGHT) exits GENOAD and saves the current configuration. Press to exit. Available OAD Definition Files This is a list of available OAD definition files. Use (LEFT) to view or edit the selected file or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to view or edit the selected file. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. Press to exit. Select A Number Select a number for the device or adapter shown in the menu header. Use the mouse to select or the arrow keys to position the highlight bar on the desired number and press . or (RIGHT) exits with no changes. Press to exit. Adapter Settings This is a list of option settings for the selected adapter. Descriptions of each setting are on the left side of the window with the default value for that option on the right side. To change an option setting, use (LEFT) to select the option or the arrow keys to highlight the desired option and press . If you changed the adapter settings from the default settings when you installed it, you must enter the correct settings for the adapter. Press to exit. Device Information Menu This window contains a list of settings for the selected device. A setting description is on the left side of the window and the default setting is on the right. You must select the settings to match the actual settings of the device. To change a setting, use (LEFT) to select the setting or the arrow keys to highlight the setting you wish to change and press . or (RIGHT) exits and return to the previous menu. Press to exit. Rearrange Logical Devices Use this menu to rearrange the order of logical devices in this configuration. Rearranging the order of the devices in the configuration changes the order that is used to assign drive letters at boot time. Use (LEFT) to execute the menu selection or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to execute the menu selection. Only valid selections are shown. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. Press to exit. Configuration Map The Configuration map shows the connections between the defined adapters and devices. Use the map to make sure all connections are correctly defined before you save the configuration. Use (LEFT) to select one of the menu options or the arrow keys to move the hightlight bar to the menu option and press to select the option. Press or (RIGHT) to return to the previous menu. Press to exit. Configuration Map This is a map of the current configuration. Use the up and down arrow keys to display the map. If the map contains more entries than can be displayed at one time, it will scroll to accommodate the extra entries. or (RIGHT) returns you to the previous menu. The configuration map contains a summary of the hardware settings for each defined adapter and each defined device. Each logical grouping that has been assigned a logical unit number will receive a drive letter when this configuration is used. Each logical unit is then described in terms of physical devices, pseudo devices and pre/post processors. Press to exit. File Name Enter a name for the file to be saved. You can press to accept the displayed name or enter a new name without an extension. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. Press to exit. Pseudo Device Options Menu This window contains options for editing the configuration for the selected pseudo device. Use (LEFT) to select the menu option or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and press to select the menu option. or (RIGHT) exits to the previous menu. Press to exit. Available Pre/Post Processors This is a list of pre/post processors available for the selected device. Entries shown in bold letters are currently selected for use. Use (LEFT) to toggle the selection or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and press to toggle the selection. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. Press to exit. Editing a Parameter String Use the following keys to edit the parameter string for the selected device or adapter. Use the arrow keys or mouse to move within the text. erases the character to the left of the cursor. erases the character under the cursor. saves the editing changes and exit. or (RIGHT) exits without saving the changes. Press to exit. Optional Parameters Menu This menu allows you to add or change optional parameters. Use (LEFT) to select the parameter or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and press to select an option from the menu. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. Press to exit. Available Devices This is a list of available devices. Use (LEFT) to select the device or the arrow keys to move the highlight bar and to add the selected device to the configuration. or (RIGHT) returns to the previous menu. If a device does not appear make sure its .DEV and .OPT files are in the OAD subdirectory.