ASUS Display Driver for Windows 95 Install Instructions ======================================================= Installation Instructions: 1. This driver will not install unless the relative card is installed in the machine at the time of driver installation. 2. Make sure you have all open data files saved before continuing the driver installation. 3. Double click on the the "My Computer" icon. 4. Double click on the the "Control Panel" icon. 5. Double click on the the "Display" icon. 6. When prompted by the Display Properties dialog, select Settings menu and then click the "Change Display Type" button. 7. Click on the "Change" button of Adapter Type. 8. Click on the "Have Disk" button. 9. The Install From Disk dialog will be displayed. Change disk to "A:" or "B:", and then set the correct source directory. Double click on the "OK" button. 10. Select the appropriate option for your display card from the Select Device Dialog, and click the OK button. Windows 95 will copy all needed files to your harddisk. 11. Close all dialog boxes and then restart Windows 95. To Change Resolution and Refresh Rate: 1. Following step 3, 4, and 5. 2. When prompted by the Display Properties dialog, select Settings menu. 3. Highlight the font, color and resolution. 4. Click on the Refresh rate menu and then select the refresh rate that you want. 5. Close this dialog. 6. When prompted by a Message dialog, click OK or Yes button to reset or restart Windows 95.