How To Use This Help System

Accessing Help

The CircSolver Help System can be accessed in several ways:

Help System Window

Here is an image that shows the different parts of the CircSolver Help System Window:

Control Bar Buttons

Go back to the previous Help Topic.
Go forward
Go to the Help Topic above this one in the Help Topics Tree View
Go to the Help Topic below this one in the Help Topics Tree View

Help Topics Tree View

This is a tree-view list of all the Help Topics. The Help Topics are arranged by subjects. Each subject is a branch of the tree. Some subject branches are further divided by subordinate branches.

Click the to expand a branch.

Click the to collapse a branch.

Select a topic in the Help Topics Tree View to view its contents.

Selected Help Topic

The graphic symbol next to the selected Help Topic in the Help Topics Tree View will change to indicate that the topic is selected.

Selected Help Topic Contents

This part of the CircSolver Help System displays the contents of the selected Help Topic.

Moveable Divider

This vertical divider can be dragged left or right with the mouse to change the areas of the display.

Clickable Text Links

Underlined, blue text in the contents of Help Topics can be clicked to open a different Help Topic.