Generate an Output Signal

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In this step of the Quick Start Tutorial we will generate an Output Signal. We will use the Input Signal, "Step", that was created on the previous page, as an input to the Vin Voltage Source of the example circuit shown here:

The new Output Signal will represent the Vout response of the circuit to the Input Signal.

Generating an Output Signal

  1. Select Output Signal from the Components Toolbar.

  2. To insert the new Output Signal into the circuit document, click the left mouse button, drag until you see a rectangle (the Output Signal will fill the rectangle), and then release. The Time Domain Plot Parameters dialog box will appear.

    This dialog box is used to assign Input Signals to a circuit's sources and specify which output signals will be ploted in the Output Signal plot. For this example we will plot the output of the T3 Transfer Function.

  3. We will first assign the "Step" Input Signal to the "Vin" Voltage Source. In the "Sources and Input Signals" section of the dialog box, you see a list of sources and a selection list of Input Signals. Click once on the label "Vin" to select it in the list of sources and then select the "Step" Input Signal from the selection list of Input Signals. You should see the label "Step" appear next to the label "Vin" in the list of sources.

  4. The Start and End values are specified in seconds. Set the Start value to 0.24 and set the End value to 0.3

  5. Now we will specify which Output Signals to plot. Using the left mouse button, double click the label "T3" in the "Transfer Functions to Plot" list box in the lower right corner of the dialog box. A dialog box titled Plot Line Parameters will appear like this:

    Click to put a check mark in the "Show Line" check box. Then click the OK button.

  6. You should see a solid line next to the label "T3" in the "Transfer Functions to Plot" list box. Click the OK button in the Time Domain Plot Parameters dialog box.

  7. The new Onput Signal will appear in the circuit document like this:

If you have trouble completing the steps in this page of the Quick Start Tutorial, you can load the file QuickStart5.crc from the Tutorials\QuickStart directory. This file contains a circuit document that contains all the elements created in this tutorial.

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