CAVEAT EMPTORE ============== (known bugs, problems, or limitations in the current version of OptiPNG) Legend ------ - Minor bug, limitation, or incompletely-implemented feature. Not dangerous. ! Bug that may cause OptiPNG to act differently than intended, but without causing accidental data loss. Inconvenient, but not dangerous. !! Bug that may cause accidental data loss. Dangerous. * Another problematic issue, that is not necessarily a bug. Version 0.4.5 31-may-2004 ------------- * To avoid some bugs present in the latest libpng library (either libpng-1.0.15 or libpng-1.2.5), it is recommended to link OptiPNG statically to a patched version of libpng-1.0.15, supplied with the OptiPNG source distribution. (This is NOT a bug in OptiPNG itself.) When a newer, corrected libpng version will be officially released, this note will become obsolescent. - The color palette reductions are implemented only partially. (This does NOT affect the integrity of PNG files.) - The bit depth reductions below 8, for grayscale images, are not implemented yet. - The RGB(A)-to-palette reductions are not implemented yet.