128 Handy Backup 4.1 129 Item name 130 Item type 131 Last run time 132 Next run time 133 Progress 134 Status 135 File name 136 Status 137 Original size 138 Stored size 139 Original time 140 Stored time 141 Select a folder to display (Ctrl+Enter) 142 Go to upper-level folder 143 Please enter your password 144 Please confirm your password 145 Monday 146 Tuesday 147 Wednesday 148 Thursday 149 Friday 150 Saturday 151 Sunday 152 Backup schedule for %s 153 Schedule is enabled for checked days only. Right click to open local menu 154 Add time to schedule 155 Remove selected times from schedule 156 List of backup times for selected day 157 Copy schedule 158 Set schedule from %s 159 Merge schedule from %s 160 Enable backup on %s 161 Disable backup on %s 162 Backup 163 Restore 164 Synchronize 165 Unknown 166 Backing up 167 Restoring 168 Synchronizing 169 Refreshing 170 Idle 171 Scheduled 172 Identical 173 Missed in destination 174 Missed on local 175 Different 176 Excluded 177 January 178 February 179 March 180 April 181 May 182 June 183 July 184 August 185 September 186 October 187 November 188 December 189 Check months to enable schedules 190 Select time to add 191 Select a day of month to set a schedule for it 192 List of daily backup times 193 Error 194 N\A 195 %d 196 %.2fKb 197 %.2fMb 198 %.2fGb 199 Unknown system error. 200 Initialization wait timeout has expired. 201 Shell failed to start because of detection object creation error. 202 Processing engine startup failed due to the following error.\n*** %s *** 203 General Settings 204 Log Settings 205 File View Settings 206 Transfer Settings 207 Proxy Settings 208 Prompts 209 %02u days, %02u hours, %02u minutes 210 File View Settings 211 Delete the selected item(s)? 212 Stop the selected item(s)? 213 Unknown 214 Password and confirmation do not match.\nPlease retype. 215 Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 216 Please specify executable file name. 217 unregistered version will expire in%s %u hour%s 218 Browse for folder 219 Folder to backup to: 220 Index file (*.hb, *.hbi) to restore from: 221 Advanced Restore Settings 222 Advanced Backup Settings 223 An empty or invalid location is specified. 224 Advanced Synchronizing Settings 225 Ready To Create New Item 226 Select destination for the backup set. You can backup your data locally, at a remote FTP server, or on a CD. 227 Specify Backup Set 228 Select Restore Locations 229 Choose Item Type 230 Compression and Encryption 231 Select Destination 232 Specify Index File 233 Select the Second Folder 234 Second Folder 235 Scheduling 236 To restore you data from backup, specify corresponding index file (*.hb, *.hbi) on the local machine, LAN or a remote FTP server. 237 Restore Locations 238 Backup Locations 239 F&ile 240 Select index file 241 &Index file: 242 F&older: 243 New Item Wizard - Step %d: %s 244 Select Location Type 245 Select the First Folder 246 Locate an index file on FTP to restore from. 247 Select a folder on FTP to backup to. 248 Select a folder on the local machine or LAN to backup to. 249 Locate an index file on Local/LAN/CD/DVD to restore from. 250 Enter Password For Decryption 251 The following settings define the location of index file this item is restored from. You cannot change them. Instead, use New Item Wizard to create new restore Item. 252 Pre-, Post-Operation Actions 253 Please select a CD-RW device to use. 254 Failed to download index file. 255 You have already added %d of the files/folders specified. 256 The password you have typed is incorrect. 257 Local/LAN/CD/DVD 258 The log size limit must be between 16 and 1024 kilobytes. 259 Failed to read index file. 260 Failed to parse index file, possibly due to its corruption. 261 An incorrect version of the backup agent (hbagent.exe) is running. 262 %u day%s, 263 Can't initialize ASPI layer. We recommend you to send the\ndetails to the Handy Backup technical support. Proceed? 264 Can't initialize ASPI layer 265 The specified path contains a component with a name longer than 64 characters, or one of its components contains the following characters: * ? : ; | " < >. Please shorten the component name or remove the characters specified above. 266 You can't backup to CD-ROM. If your drive is a CD writer, please select CD-R/CD-RW option. 267 Error 268 Success 269 Stopped 270 E-mail Notifications 271 Please enter a valid SMTP server address. 272 Please enter a valid SMTP server port number. 273 Please specify mailboxes of notification recipients.\nMultiple mailboxes should be comma-separated. 274 Please specify your e-mail address. 275 E-mail notification test has failed with the following error.\n%s 276 E-mail notification test has completed successfully. 277 E-mail Notification Test 400 Apply changes without closing the settings dialog 401 Discard changes 402 Select a settings page 403 Check to apply the include/exclude masks to directories (as well as files) 404 Select the CD recording speed to use 405 Check to perform CD blanking (erasing) prior to backup operation 406 Click to configure timestamp settings and format 407 Check to run the items scheduled at time of the agent inactivity 408 Check to enable e-mail notifications upon completion of operations 409 Select to enable notifications for both successful and failed operations 410 Select to enable notifications only for failed operations 411 Check to enable e-mail notifications 412 Specify the SMTP server address (name or dotted-form IP) 413 Specify the SMTP server port (default is 25) 414 Specify the recipients of notifications (multiple entries are comma-separated) 415 Enter the notification message subject field 416 Enter the notification message body following the optional instructions above 417 Check to perform a refresh operation automatically 418 Check to limit automatic refresh only to Local/LAN/CD destinations 419 Specify your e-mail address here 420 Click to edit the notification message body 421 Click to send a test notification message 454 Log window, shows ftp connection log messages, errors, etc. 455 Remote FTP directory tree. Select a folder/file and click "Select" button. 456 Remote storage location 457 Connect/Disconnect to/from the remote FTP server 458 Close this dialog without changes 459 Use FTP proxy server connection 460 FTP proxy server host name (e.g. proxy.site.org, anonynizer.com) 461 FTP proxy server port number 462 Check to use authorizing on FTP proxy server 463 User name for authorized connection to FTP proxy server 464 Password for authorized connection to FTP proxy server 465 Use SOCKS (4 or 5) proxy server connection 466 Use SOCKS4 proxy 467 Use SOCKS5 proxy 468 SOCKS4 host name (e.g. proxy.site.net) 469 SOCKS5 host name (e.g. proxy.site.com) 470 SOCKS4 port number (default is 1080) 471 SOCKS5 port number (default is 1080) 472 Check to use authorizing on SOCKS proxy server 473 User name for authorized connection to SOCKS server (e.g. ivan) 474 Password for authorized connection to SOCKS server (e.g. "password") 477 Color for indentical files 478 Color for different files 479 Color for missing file in the original location 480 Color for missing file in the destination location 481 Color for excluded files 482 Launch program on Windows startup 483 Show splash screen on program startup 484 Enable Windows Explorer integration 485 Enable log size limitation 486 Log file limit in kylobytes 487 Status message color 488 Warning message color 489 Failure message color 490 FTP message color 491 Font for log window 492 Prompt on stopping item operation 493 Prompt on deleting an item 494 SOCKS host name (e.g. proxy.site.com) 495 SOCKS port number (default is 1080) 496 Network operating timeout 497 Delay before reconnecting 498 Retries on network errors 499 Retry until operation is succeeded 500 Create new folder 501 New FTP folder name 506 Enter a non-empty unique name for your item 507 Select this type if you want to backup your data 508 Select this type if you want to restore your data 509 Select this type if you want to synchronize your data 510 Folders and files to backup 511 Add elements (files, folders, registry keys) to backup set 512 Remove the element from backup set 513 This pattern defines files to include to backup set 514 This pattern defines files to exclude from backup set 515 This window displays files/folders backed up and corresponding locations to restore them to 516 Click to change the restore location selected 517 Select to use this computer or LAN 518 Select to use an FTP server 519 Select to use a CD writer 520 Specify the location (file/folder) 521 Browse for file/folder on local/LAN 522 Specify a host to connect to 523 Specify port number to use (default is 21) 524 Enter user name 525 Enter a password to use 526 Specify the location (file/folder) 527 Browse for file/folder on the FTP location specified 528 Check to use passive mode 529 Click to configure proxy settings 530 Select a CD-RW device to use 531 Enter a folder (relative to drive root) to backup to 532 Select to process all the files during each operation 533 Select to process only changed files during each operation 534 Check to clear the destination before running the operation 535 Check to store backups under timestamps 536 Specify the timestamp format 537 Select procedure for files with the same names 538 Use to backup files without any compression 539 Use to compress files into a single ZIP archive before backing up 540 Use to compress each file separately before backing up 541 Select compression quality (the lower quality (ratio) the faster speed) 542 Check to encrypt the backup using blowfish method 543 Enter a password to use for encryption 544 Reenter a password for confirmation 545 Check to enable scheduler to operate with the item 546 Specify the schedule start date 547 Specify the time for running the item 548 Check to repeat operations according to preferences specified below 549 Check to run the item every day at the time specified 550 Check to run the item on selected week days 551 Check to run the item on selected month days 552 Check to run the item every time the specified period elapses 553 Select a folder 554 Browse for folder on local/LAN 555 Delete all files from destination except being synchronized 556 Check to run the item when logging on 557 Check to run the item when logging off 558 This listbox displays days to operate with the item 559 Specify time period to repeat operations 560 Check to run the specified program before running item 561 Specify the program to run before running item 562 Browse for the program to run before running item 563 Check to run the item after the program terminates 564 Check to run the specified program after running item 565 Specify the program to run after running item 566 Browse for the program to run after running item 567 Check to stop the item after the program terminates 568 This is backup location of the selected file/folder 569 Specify the restore location for the selected file/folder 570 Browse for restore location for the selected file/folder 571 Check to skip processing of read-only files 572 Check to skip processing of hidden files 573 Check to skip processing of system files 574 Check to force the program to open files exclusively 575 Check to split large backups (into parts saved onto several discs) 576 Click to specify how to access files 577 Enter a name of the ZIP archive to create 578 Select the timestamp accuracy to use 579 Select the timestamp format desired 580 Select to allow any number of timestamps to keep 581 Select to limit the number of timestamps to keep 582 Select to specify a time period to keep timestamps for 583 Specify the number of timestamps to keep 584 Specify the time period to keep timestamps for 32790 \nStop operating on selected item(s) (Esc) 32795 \nDelete selected item(s) (Del) 32796 \nExecute selected item(s) (Ctrl+F5) 32797 \nNew Item (Ctrl+N) 32798 \nItem properties (Alt+Enter) 32802 \nClear Log 32808 \nSettings (Alt+F7) 32810 id_co 32815 \nCut 32816 \nCopy 32817 \nPaste 32830 \nBackup selected files 32831 \nRestore selected files 32832 \nSynchronize selected files 32852 \nFile view colors 32853 \nDuplicate selected item(s) 32858 \nAdd a folder to backup set 32859 \nAdd files to backup set 32863 \nRegister now! 57344 Handy Backup 4.1 57345 OLE initialization has failed. 57346 data 57347 items 57348 logs 57349 http://www.handybackup.net 57350 &Hide Log Window 57351 &Show Log Window 57352 ... that you're missing tips file. 57353 The tips file is corrupted. 57354 Did you know... 57355 Time period should not be zero. 57356 You have selected too many files. 57357 Unable to parse destination host name. 57358 Name 57359 Local Files 57360 Remote Folder 57361 Operation 57362 Options 57363 Schedule 57364 Please specify non-empty unique item name. 57365 Please specify files to be processed. 57366 %s Item Properties 57367 Select a folder... 57368 Select a file or files... 57369 All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 57370 Select a folder... 57371 Actions 57372 Extension masks 57373 STATUS:> 57374 WARNING:> 57375 FAILURE:> 57376 Please specify backup location. 57377 Handy Backup agent is stopped.\nThe program will exit. 57378 Please specify destination host name. 57635 Advanced 57636 FTP:> 57637 NOTE:> 57638 Please specify single zip file name. 57639 Please specify proxy server name. 57640 Incorrect ZIP archive file name. 57641 Handy Backup 4.1 consistency check failed! The application is corrupt. Please reinstall. 57642 The destination contains (or is contained in) one of the sources. 57643 Custom period 57644 Custom period (days, hours, minutes): 57645 ERROR:> 57646 Temporary folder 57647 Browse for temporary folder 57648 Failed to export to the file "%s".\nReason : %s 57649 Failed to import from the file "%s".\nReason : %s 57650 File is corrupted. 57651 Please restart Handy Backup for imported configuration settings to take effect. 57652 'Temporary folder' field is empty. Do you want to use Windows TEMP folder ? 57653 Use default Windows temporary folder 57654 Name 57655 Registration 57656 Plugins 57657 Registered 57658 Expired 57659 Trial (%d days left) 57660 (unregistered plugin) 57661 (expired plugin) 57662 Are you sure you want to remove the selected plugin from your system? 57663 Handy Backup Plugin 57664 Unfortunately this plugin has expired. If you decide to continue using it, please visit http://www.handybackup.net to obtain a registration key and choose File | Plugins... in the application menu to register. You can also choose to remove this plugin from your system using the same menu command. 57665 This feature is provided by Handy Backup Plugin. It will expire in %d days %d hours. If you decide to continue using this plugin after the trial period, please, visit http://www.handybackup.net to obtain a registration key. If you have one, choose File | Plugins& in the application menu to register this plugin. 57666 The plugin has been successfully registered on your system. 57667 Invalid registration key. Please, make sure that you typed it correctly. 57668 The plugin has been removed from your system. You can reinstall it again in the future. 57669 Failed to remove plugin.\nReason : %s 57670 Continue 57671 Folder does not exist. Do you want to create it ? 57672 Failed to create folder "%s".\nReason : %s 57673 Handy Backup has detected that the following plugins are required to process one or several files in your items. These plugins are either expired or absent on your system. If you want to continue using an expired plugin you need to register it. Please visit <%s|%s> to buy the required plugin and obtain the registration key for it. 57675 .itm 57676 %08X 57677 .log 57678 backup 57679 .hbi 57680 %07Xi.hb 57681 span%04X 57682 .ix 57683 .tix 57684 .cix 57685 Invalid drive 57686 Removable drive 57687 Fixed drive 57688 Remote drive 57689 CDROM drive 57690 RAM disk 57691 Unknown drive 57692 LAN 57693 FTP 57694 CD-R/CD-RW 57695 DVD/CD using CopyToDVD 57696 Backup 57697 Restore 57698 Synchronize 57699 Refresh 57700 Unknown 57701 %A 57702 Destination folder is already in use by another item. Using of the folder can cause the damage of backup data. Do you really want to use this folder? 57703 Use SMTP server authentication 57704 User 57705 Password 61440 Open 61441 Save As 61442 All Files (*.*) 61443 Untitled 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message is available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Out of memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61518 Can't connect to the registration server. 61519 Internal registration server error. 61520 Registration is not accepted by the server (serial number is invalid). 61521 Registration is not accepted by the server. 61522 Registration is not accepted by the server. 61523 Server protocol violation. 61524 Client protocol violation. 61525 Unknown error 61526 Data base error. 61527 You should have administrative access rights on your system to complete the registration of [ProgramName].\nPlease, contact your network administrator. 61528 One or more fields were left blank. 61529 Internal client error. 61530 --Please, send the following message to support@handybackup.net \n \n-Serial Number: \n%s \n \n-User ID: \n%s \n \n-Product Code: \n%s \n \n-Product Type: \n%s \n \n-End of the Message 61531 Serial number you provide allow additional 30 day trial period.\nRun again [ProgramName] to start your new trial. 61539 Registration is not accepted by the server. 61540 An error has occured! Please contact support. 61541 Registration Successful! 61542 Congratulations! You have successfully registered your copy of [ProgramName] on your computer. 61543 Congratulations! You have successfully registered your copy of [ProgramName].\nPlease restart [ProgramName] now.\nThis copy of [ProgramName] has been registered more than once. 61544 Successful registration. 61545 The serial number is empty. 61550 Error 61551 &Start trial period 61552 &Continue trial 61553 &Cancel 61554 &Close 61555 &How to purchase... 61556 Evaluation Period Expired 61557 Your evaluation began [mm/dd/yyyy] and expired [mm/dd/yyyy]. 61558 This evaluation version will expire in%s %d hour%s. 61559 Registered version. 61560 Thank you for using [ProgramName]!\n \nUnfortunately your version has expired. To continue using the program, you need to buy the license and register.\n \nPlease click the "How to purchase..." button below to read the purchase instructions on our web site.\nIf you already purchased the software from us, click the "Enter your serial number..." button to register your copy.\n \nIf you have any questions regarding purchasing or registration, please, send a letter to . We will be happy to help you. 61561 You have been using [ProgramName] for %i days.\n \nYour trial period will continue for %i more days. If you already decided to buy Handy Backup, please click the "How to purchase..." button below to read the purchase instructions on our web site.\n \nIf you have any questions regarding purchasing or registration, please send a letter to . We will be happy to help you. 61562 If you experience any problems during registration process, please send a letter to . We will be happy to assist you with the registration. If you don't have a registration key, <%s|click here> to obtain it. 61563 Thank you for using [ProgramName]!\n \nUnfortunately this evaluation version will expire in %i days. Please, click the "How to purchase..." button below to read the purchase instructions on our web site.\n \nIf you have any questions regarding purchasing or registration, please, send a letter to . We will be happy to help you. 61564 This version of [ProgramName] is provided with full functionality for %i days trial period.\n \nDuring this time it will not have any limitations, so you will be able to try all its features and decide if you really like our product and wish to buy it. We will also provide full support and assistance for you should you have any problems or questions using our software.\n \nYou are welcome to send any comments, bug reports and suggestions to . We will be happy to hear from you. 61565 You can also send any questions and\ncomments to 61696 Invalid filename. 61697 Failed to open document. 61698 Failed to save document. 61699 Save changes to %1? 61700 Failed to create empty document. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Could not start print job. 61703 Failed to launch help. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 Command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to perform operation. 61707 System registry entries have been removed and the INI file (if any) was deleted. 61708 Not all of the system registry entries (or INI file) were removed. 61709 This program requires the file %s, which was not found on this system. 61710 This program is linked to the missing export %s in the file %s. This machine may have an incompatible version of %s. 61712 Please enter an integer. 61713 Please enter a number. 61714 Please enter an integer between %1 and %2. 61715 Please enter a number between %1 and %2. 61716 Please enter no more than %1 characters. 61717 Please select a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and/or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nCannot find this file.\nPlease verify that the correct path and file name are given. 61730 Destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from %1, it is opened by someone else. 61732 Unable to write to %1, it is read-only or opened by someone else. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading %1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing %1. 61836 Unable to read write-only property. 61837 Unable to write read-only property. 61840 Unable to load mail system support. 61841 Mail system DLL is invalid. 61842 Send Mail failed to send message. 61856 No error occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61858 %1 was not found. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 %1 could not be opened because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to %1 was denied. 61862 An invalid file handle was associated with %1. 61863 %1 could not be removed because it is the current directory. 61864 %1 could not be created because the directory is full. 61865 Seek failed on %1 61866 A hardware I/O error was reported while accessing %1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing %1. 61868 A locking violation occurred while accessing %1. 61869 Disk full while accessing %1. 61870 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61872 No error occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing %1. 61874 An attempt was made to write to the reading %1. 61875 An attempt was made to access %1 past its end. 61876 An attempt was made to read from the writing %1. 61877 %1 has a bad format. 61878 %1 contained an unexpected object. 61879 %1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels