jpg2pdf Developed by SANFACE Software ============================= What is jpg2pdf? ================ jpg2pdf is a very flexible PERL5 program. It allows you to convert all your .JPG images to PDF format, and is flexible enough to run on any platform that supports PERL. Why do I need jpg2pdf? ====================== jpg2pdf is a PERL5 tool, so you can use it in every OS supported by PERL5 we distribute also these executable versions: Windows, Solaris, HP-UX, Linux, AIX jpg2pdf is a native converter, you don't need to pass through PostScript format jpg2pdf is specific to put your jpeg images inside a PDF, so you can create (batch) a unique PDF file from your JPEG archive (using * and ? metachars: e.g. a*.jpg or recursively) you can add to your PDF collection of jpeg images transition effects you can set PDF full-screen mode e.g. to show to your friend your digital photos made by your digital camera Purcashing jpg2pdf ================== The fee for every installation of jpg2pdf is $65. For more information on licensing, please see Earn yourself a free license ============================ SANFACE Software is going to give you a free licence for every good idea or for every good modify that you can contribute to jpg2pdf. Enjoy it! Send SANFACE your suggestions. SANFACE Software Home: