INTRO.TXT September 1999 INTRODUCTION: This document is intended for new users of the file archiver, ARJ. ARJ is a program that allows the user to store one or more files in a compressed format in an archive file. This saves space both in the compression and in the saving of disk sector clusters. On a hard disk, each file requires a minimum amount of space, typically, 2048 to 32767 bytes. Combining 100 small files in an archive can save up to one megabyte of space or more. For archiver flexibility, ARJ is arguably unsurpassed for features. INSTALLATION: This document assumes that you have already executed the self-extracting distribution archive and extracted its archived files into a directory. The default installation directory is C:\ARJ. You will need to modify your C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file by adding the following line of text to the end of the file. set path=%path%;c:\arj ARJ COMMAND USAGE: The ARJ archiver gives you a lot of flexibility in command usage. You can use zero options or many options on a command line. The basic command line consists of: 1) the command "ARJ" 2) the ARJ command letter such as "a" (add), or "e" (extract) 3) the switch options such as "-r" (recurse through subdirectories) 4) the name of the ARJ archive 5) the name of the target directory (if any) 6) the names of the selected files ARJ [] [] [] Switch options (-r, -jp, and so on) may be placed anywhere in the command line after the command "ARJ". The target directory name is optional and should end in a "\" symbol. The default for the selected files is "*.*". CREATING ARJ ARCHIVES: To create an ARJ archive containing all of the files in the current directory: ARJ a archive To create an ARJ archive in another directory containing all of the files in the current directory: ARJ a directory\archive To create an ARJ archive containing all files with the ".DOC" extension in the current directory: ARJ a archive *.DOC To create an ARJ archive containing all files with the ".DOC" and ".EXE" extension in the current directory: ARJ a archive *.DOC *.EXE To create an ARJ archive containing all of the files in a named directory: ARJ a archive named_directory\*.* To create an ARJ archive containing all of the files in the named directory and all files in subdirectories of the named directory: ARJ a -r archive named_directory\*.* To create an archive containing files without pathname information in the archive, creating slightly smaller archives: ARJ a -e archive named_directory\*.* For maximum compression, use the "-jm" or "-jm1" options. For better speed, use the "-m2" option. ARJ a -r -jm1 archive named_directory\*.* ARJ a -r -m2 archive named_directory\*.* To create an ARJ archive containing the full specified pathnames of the stored files including any drive and root specs: ARJ a -r -jf archive C:\top_directory\*.* For protection (ARJ-PROTECT) against data corruption, use the "-hk" option when creating an archive. ARJ a archive *.DOC -hk LISTING THE CONTENTS OF AN ARCHIVE: To list all of the files in an archive: ARJ l archive To list all of the files with display pauses: ARJ l archive -jp To list only the files with a ".DOC" file extension in an archive: ARJ l archive *.DOC The last field on the LIST display "BTPMGVX" stands for: B -> file not contained in the last chapter (obsolete file) T -> text/binary/directory/chapter/label type P -> path information available in "V" listing M -> compression method used G -> file has been garbled (encrypted), version number V -> archive has been continued to another volume X -> this file is an extended portion of a larger file EXTRACTING ARJ ARCHIVES: To extract all of the files in an archive to the current directory: ARJ e archive To extract all of the files in an archive to a named directory: ARJ e archive named_directory\ To extract all files with the ".DOC" extension to the current directory: ARJ e archive *.DOC To extract all of the files in an archive recreating the original directory structure within the current directory: ARJ x archive To extract all of the files in an archive containing absolute pathnames to the original paths: ARJ x -jf archive TESTING THE INTEGRITY OF AN ARCHIVE: To test the contents of an archive: ARJ t archive This testing verifies that the contents of the archive data matches the original file. This is done using cylical redundancy checksumming, CRC for short. ARJ uses a 32 bit CRC for increased reliability. REPAIRING A DAMAGED ARJ-PROTECTED ARCHIVE: If you had previously protected a damaged archive with the "-hk" option, you may be able to fully repair the damage. ARJ will try to repair the archive and write the results in a file named ARJFIXED.ARJ. ARJ q archive RECOVERING FILES FROM A DAMAGED ARCHIVE: If you have a damaged archive that is non-repairable (Bad file data, CRC error, or header CRC error), you can still recover the undamaged portions of the archive. ARJ x archive -jr CREATING A SELF-EXTRACTING ARJ ARCHIVE: A self-extracting ARJ archive is an EXE file that contains an ARJ archive. This self-extractor when executed will extract the contents of its archive. The command "ARJ y -je archive" will create a full featured self-extracting archive from an already built archive. Syntax: ARJ y -je archive produces archive.exe CONVERTING ZIP ARCHIVES TO ARJ ARCHIVES: You can convert a directory of ZIP archives to ARJ archives with the following commands: 1) Change to the directory with the ZIP archives. 2) Type REARJ *.ZIP COMMON PROBLEMS USING ARJ: By default, ARJ stores the path specified with the filename in the archive. "ARJ a archive temp\*.*" will store the path "temp\" with the filenames. You may eliminate the paths with the "-e" option. You can remove the paths with the "r" command as in "ARJ r archive". ARJ identifies each file by the name stored in the archive. Filenames with paths are considered by ARJ to be DIFFERENT from filenames without paths. In other words, "temp\notes" is not the same as "notes". This can result in archives that have duplicates if you archive a set of files twice with different file specifications as in "ARJ a archive temp\*.*" and "ARJ a archive *.*". When updating an ARJ archive, ARJ builds the new archive as a temporary file in the same directory as the original archive. This can require a lot of extra disk space. If you are adding files, you will need as much free space as the original archive plus space for the added files. When archiving files to DISKETTES, it is STRONGLY recommended that you use the "-w" option and the "-jt" option. The "-w" option sets a working directory. This should point to a fast disk drive directory. The "-jt" option verifies the archive. ARJ a -wC:\ -jt a:archive *.* When copying archives to DISKETTES, it is strongly recommended that you verify that the diskette archives are intact. Most damaged archives involve diskettes. FOR FURTHER STUDY: ARJ supports hundreds of options for functions such as archiving across multiple diskettes, accessing hidden files, selecting files by date, and more. See the ARJ.TXT reference guide for more information. end of document