CYBERLAT RAM CLEANER 1.1 WHAT IS CYBERLAT RAM CLEANER? CyberLat RAM Cleaner 1.1 is a program that will help you to liberate unused memory of your system (RAM). WHY "CYBERLAT RAM CLEANER" IS USEFUL? RAM Cleaner is very useful because all times, you are working with zero Megabytes of Free RAM, and this causes the machine to load the files and programs very slow. If you want to clean RAM, just select the amount of free space you want to liberate, and double click it. HOW MANY MINUTES DOES "RAM CLEANER" NEED TO LIBERATE MEMORY? NOT minutes, just a few seconds. The time depends of how many megabytes you want to clean. For example, if you want to liberate 2 megabytes, RAM Cleaner will do it in less than one second, if you take 32 megabytes free, the program will spend just about five seconds, and that's it. NOTE: These tests were made in a machine with 64 Megabytes on RAM. HOW OFTEN DO I NEED TO USE IT? You can use it every time you want. Usually, you liberate memory when free RAM is near to be zero, or if you want to have a free RAM level. All depends of you. COULD BE DANGEROUSLY LIBERATING MEMORY? NO, is much better liberating memory than Not, that's because when your computer doesn't have any free RAM, it uses the hard disk, forcing it to work more than it should. -------------------------- USING CYBERLAT RAM CLEANER Using this program is the most simple thing, it has everything you need, no less, no more. We divided the software in three parts. 1.- Cleaning Zone: Where you can select an amount of RAM to clean, and preview the free and used memory. 2.- Configuration Box. You can adjust some options that were created for help you to clean unused memory automatically. 3.- Taskbar Menu. This menu has everything you need to clean the RAM. Every part of CyberLat RAM Cleaner has its own properties, so, they are described on the next lines. -------------------------- 1.- CLEANING ZONE This section has the next parts: A.- DISPLAY BOX This box will show you the amount of free RAM and used RAM (if you add both measurements, you will get the number of Megabytes you have on your computer) B.- MEMORY CONTROL LIST This is the most important part of the program, because here, will appear a list from 2, to the number of Megabytes you have on your machine (just pair numbers). If you double click a selection, you will clean (if is free) the selected amount of free RAM space. For example, If you have 32 Megabytes on RAM, and you want to liberate 16, just double click "16" and that's it. Remember that "RAM Cleaner" will liberate only the memory that is not used, if you try to clean 32 Mb, you wont do it, because Windows and other programs are using some memory. Just Try and learn!!! C.- GRAPHIC With this vertical bar, you can preview the amount of free and used RAM, of course the top of the bar represents the quantity of RAM that you have on your computer. You can read the free RAM on the Text Field located under the Vertical Graphic. -------------------------- 2.- CONFIGURATION BOX The configuration box isn't difficult, just read the next properties and use them all. A.- SHOW MEMORY STATUS ON CAPTION For a best preview, you can add to the caption of the window the free memory you have at that moment. It will refresh itself every second, and will just show you the integer part of free memory. B.- SHOW PERCENTAGE & SHOW FREE MEMORY With this options, you can format the text that will appear on the window caption and the text field (under the vertical graphic). If you want to read the free memory with percentage just select "Show Percentage", or if you prefer read the amount on Free Megas, click on "Show Free Memory". C.- THIS WINDOW ON TOP As this name tells you, you can put the window on top of all open windows, programs or folders. D.- SHOW ON TASKBAR This is one of the best parts of "CyberLat RAM Cleaner", because if you select it, when minimize the program, it will be placed on taskbar (next of the "Date/Time properties", so you'll be able to configure everything from taskbar (Read description above). E.- CREATE AN STARTUP ENTRY Checking this option, when Windows starts, "CyberLat RAM Cleaner" will be loaded (and placed on taskbar as an icon if "Show on Taskbar" is checked). You won't find a shortcut on the "Startup" folder, because the full path will be on the registry ("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run") and executed when the machine starts. F.- AUTO LIBERATE MEMORY This is a very nice function of this program. It allows you to configure an interval of time that goes from 1 to 120 minutes, when the time pass, "CyberLat RAM Cleaner" allocate Memory for you. The program will try to clean the selected quantity made on the amount menu. -------------------------- 3.- TASKBAR MENU: If you right click the little icon on taskbar, a menu will appear with the next options: A) FREE MEMORY: You'll check here the amout of free RAM of your machine. B) SHOW RAM CLEANER: This will maximize the window, deleting the taskbar icon. C) MEGABYTES TO LIBERATE: This is a list, where you can select an amount of Mb. to liberate. After you click it, a bar will apper telling you the cleaning progress. D) CONFIGURATION BOX: You'll find here the same properties to change as the configuration box: SHOW MEMORY STATUS ON CAPTION SHOW PERCENTAGE & SHOW FREE MEMORY MAIN WINDOW ON TOP MAIN ON TASKBAR CREATE AN STARTUP ENTRY AUTO LIBERATE MEMORY E) DESCRIPTION: You are reading the description. This text is inside the program, when you click on description, the program generates a help file in HTML format. F) ABOUT: About the author and history of the program. If you don't have what to do... read it. G) EXIT: I won't tell you how to use this option. Sorry. Pay me a million dollars and maybe I'll describe you how it works. :) -------------------------- RECOMMENDATION If you have a lot of programs opened, I suggest not to Auto Liberate more than a quarter part of your RAM, because the programs are using it. If you find any problem or bug, please feel free to e-mail me with all your suggestions. In this way, you'll be helping us to make more and better free software for all of you. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Author: Mauricio Castelazo Gamboa Date: May 20th, Y2K. City: Mexicali Baja California. México. HomePage: E-mail: Favorite food: Pizza and burritos.