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ABBYY Fine Reader 5 for Mac

Supported Image Formats 

ABBYY FineReader 5 Pro for MAC opens image files in the following formats: 
- JPEG: gray, color 
- PICT: b/w, gray, color 
- PCX, DCX: b/w, gray, color 
- PNG: b/w, gray, color 
- TIFF: b/w, gray, color, multipage 

Methods of TIFF compression: 
- Unpacked 
- CCITT Group 3 
- CCITT Group 3 Fax 
- CCITT Group 4 
- Packbits 

ABBYY FineReader 5 Pro for MAC cannot open image files with the following methods of compression and colority: 
- LZW, 

ABBYY FineReader 5 Pro for MAC saves image files in the following formats: 
- JPEG: gray, color 
- PCX, DCX: b/w, gray, color 
- PNG: b/w, gray, color 
- TIFF: b/w, gray, color 

Methods of TIFF compression: 
- Unpacked 
- CCITT Group 3 
- CCITT Group 3 Fax 
- CCITT Group 4 
- Packbits 

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