2001, Sept 24 Waypoint+ 1.8.03 1) Added support for Garmin eTrex Camo, and Summit. 2) New - Waypoint+ will respond to user input during a download. In prior versions, no respond to user input was possible during a download from the GPS. 2001, Feb 22 Waypoint+ v1.8.00 1) Added support for the eTrex. (I bought a new one for $59. I hate the user interface on this receiver, but the storage of altitude with trackpoint and waypoints is cool, and no, Waypoint+ does not support altitude. I use the eTrex for its GPS engine, and as a device to store track logs. Icons will not be supported by W+ for the eTrex.) 2000, June 18 Waypoint+ v1.7.18 Release Notes 1) New packaging, simplified installation. You can execute Waypoint.exe directly. 2) Can read SA7 files. 3) NO support for eMap, eTrex, Street Pilot, 162 or 295. 1999, August 5 Waypoint+ v1.7.16 release Notes 1) Bug fix - panning by single click caused plot map to zoom out 2) New - Split track graphically from the Plot window. Right click over a track point, and choose track - split track. The track is split, and the end point becomes the finish of one track, and the start of the next track 3) Bug fix - deleting the first track point caused the program to generate numerous errors 4) Bug fix - Plot window with many trackpoint or waypoints over a large span of Lat/Long could cause GPF when zooming way into the map. I think this has been fixed 1999, July 25 Waypoint+ v1.7.15 Release Notes 1) Bug fixes - Locate in SA still caused Waypoint+ to abruptly terminate. 2) New feature - Upload visible waypoints to GPS receiver from Whiteboard plot. Now you can plot your waypoints, then zoom in on the ones of interest graphically, and upload only the visible waypoints to your GPS receiver. See Visible menu item on the Popup menu of plot window. 3) New Feature - Locate visible waypoints in Street Atlas. See above 4) Waypoint+ correctly identifies latest revisions of 12XL, v4.5x as a 12XL. 1999, April 16 Waypoint+ v1.7.14 Release Notes Bug fix for 1.7.13. Waypoint+ v1.7.13 Release Notes Reupload of 1.7.12. Original upload contained some old files and debug code in the build that was Inadvertently left in place. 1999, April 14 Waypoint+ v1.7.12 Release Notes 1) Bug fixes - Locate in SA features would sometimes cause Waypoint+ to abruptly terminate. 2) New debug code added that allows perusing nearly all internal program data. Pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A activates the Waypoint+ "calculator". It is indeed a calculator. Try entering the following in the lower smaller editbox: "1+2". Results in the upper window shows 3. Complex calculations can be performed. Other examples, to add a list of numbers: "+/ 1 2 3 4 5" Shows a result of 15. To raise a number to a power, "10*2" result is 100. "10 #log 100" result is 2. To see internal waypoint, track or route data: "#disclose wpt" or "#disclose trk" or "#disclose rte" will show the Waypoint+ internal structure of these data which is in Garmin format with control characters removed. To see only the first waypoint's data, enter: "0 #disclose wpt". Note that you must have valid data currently entered in the program or you will generate an internal "VALUE ERROR" from which the program will announce, and gracefully continue. 1999, March 19 Waypoint+ v1.7.11 Release Notes 1) Added the ability to "locate" tracks and waypoints from the whiteboard in Street Atlas. This is done by pointing to a particular track of waypoint, right clicking on it, and choosing the Locate function for the waypoint or track. Note, Street Atlas must be running for this to be useful. 1999, March 11 Waypoint+ v1.7.10 Release Notes 1) Added saving of screen bitmap to a file 2) Fixed id'ing of GPS-III for screen image download 3) Added in v1.7.09 - ability to zoom Street Atlas to the location of a given Waypoint. Note: this feature has a new "Map Options" window that controls the appearance of Waypoints in Street Atlas. You can also locate multiple waypoint by first highlighting the one you want to view in Street Atlas. 4) v1.7.08 added support for the screen image of a GPS-III+ 1998, July 17 Waypoint+ v1.7.07 Release Notes 1) Added Export data format for CartaLinx, part of the Idrisi Project of Clark Labs for Cartographic Technology and Geography Analysis. See http://www.idrisi.clarku.edu. 2) Added full support for the Garmin 12XL v4.0 receiver. 3) Added New new item on the GPS menu, Model Code. When adding support for newer models, this code will be helpful to know. 4) Datum definition is now in an external file called Datum.txt. Additional Datums can be added to this file for use with Waypoint+. 1998, May 3 Waypoint+ v1.7.06 Release Notes 1) Added download and display capability for the GPS-III screen bitmap. 1997, October 29 Waypoint+ v1.7.04 Release Notes Fixes: 1) Eliminates Domain Error when Plot window is maximized. Brent Hildebrand http://www.tapr.org/Waypoint Waypoint+ is a program that interfaces a Win95 computer with a number of Garmin GPS receivers. A number of file formats are supported, including SA3, SA4, and SA5. More then 100 different Datums are supports as well as UTM grid.