1000 Submit It 2000 1001 %s - Submit It 2000 1002 Submit It 2000 1003 sub 1005 Open Program Description File 1006 Program Descriptions|*.sub|All Files|*.*| 1009 Save Program Description File As 1010 Program Descriptions|*.sub|All Files|*.*| 1019 Version 2.7 1020 Software Submission Tool for Windows 1021 © 1997-2001 Gregory Braun. All rights reserved. 5000 Register Submit It 2000 5001 Software registration was successfully completed. Thank you for registering Submit It 2000 Your name and organization will now be listed as the registered user in the program splash box. 7000 Pulisher Information Missing Please specify a name for either the Author or Contact Name entry fields. 7001 Publisher E-Mail Address Missing Please specify an E-Mail address. The E-Mail address you specify will be the sender's address when mailing Software Submission Notices to web site operators. 7010 Program Title Missing Please specify the Program Title for this software submission notification. 7011 Program Version Number Missing Please specify the Program Version Number for this software submission notification. 7012 Program File Size Missing Please specify the Program File Size for this software submission notification. 7013 Shareware Program Cost Missing Please specify the Shareware Program Cost for this software submission notification. 7014 Shareware Time Limit Missing Please specify the Shareware Time Limit for this software submission notification. 7015 Operating System Requirements Missing Please specify the required operating systems for this software submission notification or specify an operating system in the Requirements entry field. 7016 Program File Size Missing Please specify the Program File Size (in bytes) for this software submission notification. 7020 Program Description Missing Please specify a Program Descritpion for this software submission notification. The program description you specify can be up to 2000 characters in length. 7030 Program Category Missing Please specify at least one Program Category for this software submission notification. 7031 Duplicate Category Specified Program Category selections must be unique. 7040 Program Download URL Missing Please specify at least one Download URL address for this software submission notification. The Download URL address you specify must be for the program file itself, NOT the web page description. 7050 Web Site Name Missing Web Sites marked for E-Mail software notification messages must include a Web Site Name. 7051 Web Site Contact Missing Web Sites marked for E-Mail software notification messages must include a Contact Name. 7052 Web Site E-Mail Missing Web Sites marked for E-Mail software notification messages must include an E-Mail Address. 7060 Missing Home Page URL Please specify an Internet URL address for this web site's Home Page. 7061 Missing Search Page URL Please specify an Internet URL address for this web site's Search Page. 7062 Missing Submit Form URL Please specify an Internet URL address for this web site's Submit Form. 7070 Web Site: %s There is no UNDO available for the delete command. Are you sure you want to delete the Web Site? 8000 There %s %d webmaster%s listed for automatic software submission notices. Would you like to send eMail messages to them at this time? 8001 Generated by Submit It 2000 v%d.%d