Application Paths 2000 v2.5 Copyright (c) 1997-2001 by Gregory Braun. All rights reserved. This software is distributed as freeware. You may copy and distribute this program as long as all copyright notices remain intact and the application files are not modified in any way. File Manifest ============= AppPaths.cpl - The Control Panel Applet AppPaths.hlp - The Help File AppPaths.cnt - The Help Contents File Installation ============ Copy the three (3) files mentioned above to your MS Windows system folder. This folder may have several different names, depending upon your original MS Windows setup. Look for a folder named: C:\Windows\System C:\Win95\System C:\Win98\System C:\WinNT\System32 NOTE: If you've updated from an earlier version of MS Windows you may have several of the folders described above. If this is the case copy the files to the latest release. For example, if you find folders named C:\Windows\System and C:\Win95\System use the Win95 folder. If you have multiple boot capabilities copy the files to both folders for Win9x and WinNT operation. Operation ========= Online help is available by pressing the [Help] button in the lower right-hand corner of the Settings window, as well as by clicking the [?] button on the window caption. Author ====== Gregory Braun Software Design 1.414.817.6508