15001 S0n0󪫀񲬐􆈪焄L圷00k0o00 0򈆸򶖆t 0n0񇞼򔚘)jL0臺亯g0Y00 15002 S0n0󪫀񲬐􆈪򎑤00Y00_00n0!q筊j0񻹊00L坣0_pe ( 0%s 0) L0O(uU00f0D0~0Y00 15003 S0n0󪫀񲬐0o00Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP J00s0 NT 4.0 n00㘚躝W0~0Y00\n\n⺳(Wn0񠌪00򶌤0񲤜򎒪0o0򂂰00U00f0D0~0[000 15004 S0n0󪫀񲬐0o00򹑜򎕔00 򿦈񍭶0PowerDesk 򚨠򼖲񖵒0󞑤0 񩜬󪤈0/鑮茤(u򚨠򼖲񖵒( 0Matrox Video Tools 0)j0i0n00Matrox 򚨠򼖲񖵒0JRd朩0~0Y00\n\n󤕘񍲄L0JRd朥000Windows 0򋋰򼡚K00񚆴򼡚L0JRd朥00~0Y00T0O(un0񻼜󡛈00o00򹙐񝊜0n0򹑜򎕔00 􌢾0 (򹑜򎕔00銐螾 640 x 480016 r) g0峇w嵳RU00~0Y00Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP 0T0O(un04XT0򹑜򎕔00 򿦈񍭶𖏎0򎒾00Y000F0k0 Windows K00󪫀0󪥎L0h:yU00~0Y00\n\n􉚂: yr歔n0 Matrox 򚨠򼖲񖵒 (_0h0H0p00銼D0򚨠򼖲񖵒00S0n0󪫀񲬐􆇆00癳W0D0򚨠򼖲񖵒) o00JRd朥00j0K0c0_000钀R剉k0W0K0JRd杇0M0j0D0K00W00~0[000\n\nMatrox 򚨠򼖲񖵒0JRd朩0~0Y0K0? 15005 Windows 0򋋰򼡚k0 0%s 0 󰷆0 񩠦L0B00~0[000 15006 0%s 0󤕘񍲄L0媺d0K00~0[00g0W0_00 15007 0Uninstall.dat 0󤕘񍲄k0񚅐0L0zvuW0~0W0_00( 0%s 0) 15008 򔘴򈎄0 TL0!q筊g0Y00( 0%s 0) 15009 0%s 0o0JRd杇0M0~0[00g0W0_00 15010 򔘴򈎄0 TL0c歔U00f0D0~0[000 15011 "%s" key created. 15012 Setting the "%s" value. 15013 "%s" key obtained. 15014 "%s" empty key deleted. 15015 "%s" key deleted. 15016 Verifying base keys. 15017 Operating system version obtained. ("%d") 15018 Checking for the "%s" file. 15019 "%s" file deleted. 15020 The "%s" file will be deleted when your computer restarts. 15021 "%s" folder deleted. 15022 The "%s" folder will be deleted when your computer restarts. 15023 Adding line to "%s" file. 15024 Adding "%s" folder to the registry. 15025 Windows logical drive letter obtained. ("%s") 15026 Matrox PowerDesk path obtained. ("%s") 15027 Windows path obtained. ("%s") 15028 Windows system path obtained. ("%s") 15029 Windows "System32" path obtained. ("%s") 15030 Windows "Temp" path obtained. ("%s") 15031 Windows INF path obtained. ("%s") 15032 Windows desktop path obtained. ("%s") 15033 Windows "StartUp" path obtained. ("%s") 15034 Matrox PowerDesk "Start" menu path obtained. ("%s") 15035 Windows drivers path obtained. ("%s") 15036 Windows "Programs" path obtained. ("%s") 15037 Windows "Start" menu path obtained. ("%s") 15038 "%s" folder created. 15039 Matrox Rainbow Runner path obtained. ("%s") 15040 Matrox DVD path obtained. ("%s") 15041 Matrox Rainbow Runner "Start" menu path obtained. ("%s") 15042 Matrox Video Tools path obtained. ("%s") 15043 Path to the uninstall module obtained. ("%s") 15044 The Windows "Start" menu updated. 15045 Log file created. 15046 Closing log file. 15047 Checking user rights. 15048 From DAT file, adding element to "%s" list. 15049 "%s" value deleted. 15050 Matrox 򚨠򼖲񖵒L0JRd朥00~0W0_00 Y鬴0i(uY00k0o00񻼜󡛈0򠧲峇w嵳RY00臺亯L0B00~0Y00\n\n蔔Y0P0k0񻼜󡛈0򠧲峇w嵳RW0~0Y0K0? 15051 An error occurred while opening the "%s" log file. 15052 The specified log path ("%s") is invalid.\n\nA default path ("c:\windows emp\mtx.log") will be used. 15053 INF 󤕘񍲄0簒崐W0f0D0~0Y00 15054 J0卂a0O0`0U0D0... 15055 15056 񍳔򎒾00 󤕘񍲄0JRd朩0f0D0~0Y00 15057 󤕘񍲄: 15058 Matrox PowerDesk 󤕘񍲄0JRd朩0f0D0~0Y00. 15059 簒崐-N: 15060 Windows 0򋋰򼡚K00 Matrox PowerDesk 񚆴򼡚0JRd朩0f0D0~0Y00 15061 簒崐-N: 15062 Matrox PowerDesk 󤖨0򣬪JRd朩0f0D0~0Y00 15063 簒崐-N: 15065 Windows 0򋋰򼡚K00 Matrox 񚆴򼡚0JRd朩0f0D0~0Y00 15066 R-N: 15067 0򋋰򼡚𖐼00󅱜0W0f0D0~0Y00 15068 0򋋰򼡚K00 Matrox 򹘞񍪐n0Y0y0f0n0񚆴򼡚0JRd朩0f0D0~0Y00 15069 Matrox TurboGL 󤕘񍲄0JRd朩0f0D0~0Y00 15070 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\... 15071 񇩤񍳔򎒾000孾哊W0~0Y0... 15072 Invalid folder 15073 Windows 㘚躝 Matrox 񇩤񍳔򎒾00 15074 Matrox TurboGL 􀈈0򋒔 - 񸸾􆈪򎎰􏦜W0f0D0~0Y0 15075 Japanese