1001 You must have "Administrator" rights to run this program. 1002 An invalid command-line argument ("%s") was used to start this program. 1003 This program only supports Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP and NT 4.0.\n\nThe current operating system isn't supported. 1004 This program removes Matrox software, including display drivers, PowerDesk software and video capture/editing software ("Matrox Video Tools").\n\nFiles will be deleted and entries will be removed from your Windows registry. Your computer will restart using a default display mode (640 x 480 display resolution, 16 colors). If you're using Windows 95/98/Me/2000/XP, Windows will prompt you to install a display driver.\n\nNote: Certain Matrox software (for example, very old software, or software more recent than this program) may not be removed or may be only partially removed.\n\nRemove Matrox software? 1005 The "%s" base key is missing in the Windows registry. 1006 The "%s" file couldn't be found. 1007 Error in the "Uninstall.DAT" file. ("%s") 1008 Invalid section name. ("%s") 1009 The "%s" item couldn't be removed. 1010 No section name was specified. 1011 "%s" key created. 1012 Setting the "%s" value. 1013 "%s" key obtained. 1014 "%s" empty key deleted. 1015 "%s" key deleted. 1016 Verifying base keys. 1017 Operating system version obtained. ("%d") 1018 Checking for the "%s" file. 1019 "%s" file deleted. 1020 The "%s" file will be deleted when your computer restarts. 1021 "%s" folder deleted. 1022 The "%s" folder will be deleted when your computer restarts. 1023 Adding line to "%s" file. 1024 Adding "%s" folder to the registry. 1025 Windows logical drive letter obtained. ("%s") 1026 Matrox PowerDesk path obtained. ("%s") 1027 Windows path obtained. ("%s") 1028 Windows system path obtained. ("%s") 1029 Windows "System32" path obtained. ("%s") 1030 Windows "Temp" path obtained. ("%s") 1031 Windows INF path obtained. ("%s") 1032 Windows desktop path obtained. ("%s") 1033 Windows "StartUp" path obtained. ("%s") 1034 Matrox PowerDesk "Start" menu path obtained. ("%s") 1035 Windows drivers path obtained. ("%s") 1036 Windows "Programs" path obtained. ("%s") 1037 Windows "Start" menu path obtained. ("%s") 1038 "%s" folder created. 1039 Matrox Rainbow Runner path obtained. ("%s") 1040 Matrox DVD path obtained. ("%s") 1041 Matrox Rainbow Runner "Start" menu path obtained. ("%s") 1042 Matrox Video Tools path obtained. ("%s") 1043 Path to the uninstall module obtained. ("%s") 1044 The Windows "Start" menu updated. 1045 Log file created. 1046 Closing log file. 1047 Checking user rights. 1048 From DAT file, adding element to "%s" list. 1049 "%s" value deleted. 1050 Matrox software has been removed. For changes to take effect, your computer needs to be restarted.\n\nRestart your computer now? 1051 An error occurred while opening the "%s" log file. 1052 The specified log path ("%s") is invalid.\n\nA default path ("c:\windows emp\mtx.log") will be used. 1053 Checking INF file. 1054 Please wait... 1055 1056 Removing installation files. 1057 File: 1058 Removing Matrox PowerDesk files. 1059 Checking: 1060 Removing Matrox PowerDesk entries from the Windows registry. 1061 Checking: 1062 Removing Matrox PowerDesk folders. 1063 Checking: 1065 Removing Matrox entries from the Windows registry. 1066 Enumerating: 1067 Cleaning the registry. 1068 Removing all entries for Matrox devices from the registry. 1069 Removing Matrox TurboGL files. 1070 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\... 1071 Finishing uninstallation... 1072 Invalid folder 1073 Matrox Uninstaller for Windows 1074 Matrox TurboGL Manager - Scanning for Games 1075 English