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0000g0o0B00~0[00 18048 nVIDIA 000 000g0o0B00~0[000\nNn0_jL0ck8^k0R\OW0j0D0S'`L0B00~0Y00 18049 000000 000n0iQg0000L0zvuW0~0W0_0 18050 nVIDIA 000 000g0B00K00yr[g0M0~0[000\nNn0_jL0ck8^k0R\OW0j0D0S'`L0B00~0Y00 18053 DirectX ~0_0o0 OpenGL 000000000Y0y0f0B}NW0f0 [OK] 00000W0f0O0`0U0D00 18054 0000 00000000o0 gRk0j0c0f0D0~0Y0 18055 1YWeW0~0W0_0 ! 18060 Choose this option to enable Stereo automatically when the application starts. The hot keys can still be used to turn Stereo on or off. 18061 Choose this option to enable and disable Stereo by using the hot keys. 18062 Choose this option to disable Stereo. 18063 Adjust the stereo separation, or relative distance between left and right images, according to your expected comfort level. 18064 Set this slider according to your monitor size to allow maximum separation range, and prevent excessive separation. 18065 Application for viewing JPS images in stereo. 18066 Take this test to determine if you can see stereo images. 18067 Test the stereo display quality of your monitor under different display modes to determine the optimum stereo refresh rate for your system. 18068 View the stereo ratings, and configure stereo parameters for specific games. 18069 Set up basic hot keys, and/or set up the 3D laser sight for first-person shooter games. 18070 Set up the hot keys to allow you to change various stereo parameters while playing a game. 18071 Choose a game to view its stereo value and compatibility rating. 18072 Indicates how much added entertainment value the game has when viewed in stereo. 18073 Indicates the level of comfortable stereo viewing the game has. 18074 Describes issues in the game that might interfere with good stereo. 18075 Enables a 3D laser sight for first-person shooter games. The sight appears on the targetted object. 18076 Disables the 3D laser sight. 18077 Select a sight design from the internally available collection. 18078 Set laser sight transparency. 0% = solid, 100% = completely transparent. 18079 Select the resolution that you want to use for games. 18080 Select the stereo refresh rate to use when stereo is enabled and the game is played at the resolution indicated by the Resolution slide bar. 18081 Test the display capability of your system at the selected resolution, bit depth, and refresh rate. 18082 The stereo refresh rate setting will be used when a game is played at the adjusted resolution and bit depth settings. 18083 0000 000000 0000s(WOX[U00f0D00$Pk00000W0f0O0`0U0D00 18084 S0n0000m^n0Y0y0f0n0P^0\nxbW0_00000 000000 000k0-[W0f0O0`0U0D00 18085 Select the color bit depth that you want to use for games. 18086 Name of the executable or associated file used to identify this game/demo 18087 Take the current game configurations from the configured game version, and apply them to a new game. Select the new game from the file folder window. 18088 Undo the association of the game configuration to the new game. 20000 Desktop Manager 20001 00000000{t 20002 00000 20003 hQSO-[ 20004 [LS0000 (*.exe) 20005 000 20006 000000 20032 20033 s(Wn0;ub 20034 000000hQSO 22000 00000000{tn0-[0Y0y0f0000W0f0000W0D0g0Y0K0? 22001 Desktop Manager n0-[h0000000Y0y0f00000W0f0000W0D0g0Y0K0? 22002 c[W0_000000n0F0a0 2 d0N NL0 TX0g0B00_000ckW0O0R\OW0~0[000\n\nrS_Y00000 Yf~0_0o0!qRk0W0f0OUL0zlW0f0O0`0U0D00 22003 eQRU00_0000000 To0!qRg0Y00\n\n00000000 ('\') o0O(ug0M0~0[000 24000 Desktop Manager(&D)\ns(Wn0;ubg0g'YS(&M)\nNn0000000 k00(&S)\n1 d0n0;ubg0g'YS(&X)\ng_k0O(uU00_0MOnK00Y(&L)\n000000g0000000wR(&D)\n000000g0000000wR(&K)\n(00000)(&D)\n(s(Wn0000000)(&C)\ne\Ob(&N)...\n1(&1)\n2(&2)\n3(&3)\n4(&4)\n(00000 000000)(&D)\n(000000)