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Project Author: Catherine Campanella (ccampanella@stphilipneri.org)

Project Title: The Day I Was Born

Project Begin & End Dates: 4/01/00 to 12/01/03

Project Summary:
Online Project--students are guided to links to find out what was happening in the world on the day they were born--news, literature, music, television, etc. Student handouts are posted on the site and may be copied by teachers. Collaboration is encouraged. See website for more details.

Project Details
Project Level: Basic

Curriculum Area: History and Social Studies, Information Technology, Language, Mathematics, Science, Technology

Technologies Used: Email, NetMeeting or Other Sharing

Full Project Description:
Online Project where students are guided to a variety of links to find out what was happening in the world on the day they were born--news, literature, music, television, etc. Students collect, record, and organize data in the form of a report.  Student handouts are posted on the site and may be copied by teachers. The site contains animated graphics and audio clips.  Collaboration is encouraged.  Grades 4--12.  See website for more details

To find and share information about what was happening in the world on the day students were born.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: ccampanella@stphilipneri.org

Registration Acceptance Dates: 4/01/00 to 12/01/03

Number of Classrooms: no limit

Age Range: 9 to 19 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://community.bigchalk.com/schools/dayborn

Registration Instructions:
Please see website for details and instructions
on how to use or register for the project.


Project Contact Information
Catherine Campanella - mailto:ccampanella@stphilipneri.org
Technology Coordinator -  St. Philip Neri School
Metairie, Louisiana

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