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Project Author: William Belsey (bill@iearn-canada.org)

Project Title: The Community NET-Workers

Project Begin & End Dates: 4/01/00 to 12/30/03

Project Summary:
Your school is wired, NOW WHAT?

Make a difference, that's what!

Students will create Web sites for local non-profit community groups in order to help bridge the digital divide!

Project Details
Project Level: Advanced

Curriculum Area: Community Interest, Information Technology, Technology

Technologies Used: NetMeeting or Other Sharing

Project Sponsor: None

Full Project Description:
The Community NET-Workers project was created in honour of 2001, the United Nations' International Year of Volunteers. It is a project of I*EARN-Canada ( www.iearn-canada.org )

The Community NET-Workers project is part of a much larger vision about how we need to inspire, instill, and support the development of citizenship and build Civil Society among the "NET-Generation".

The goal is to have as many "wired schools" around the world participate in this project in support of the United Nations Inertational Year of Volunteers, 2001.

Our vision is to have participation be quite open-ended and as inclusive as possible. This can involve, schools, CAP (Community Access Program) sites, libraries, YMCAs, girl guides, scouting groups etc. as well as those who are home-schooled.

-Students will learn appropriate oral communications skills

-Students will learn the basic design elements of a good Web page

-Students will learn about appropriate info. Re. HTML coding and use of appropriate multimedia elements

-Students will learn how to work with a client and collaboratively in a team

-Students will learn how to give something back and help to build commuity by sharing their skills and talents

-Students will learn that the Internet is a valuable resource for community empowerment and enhancement

-Students will learn that access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) is critical for everyone, not just a privileged few.

Project Registration Information
Project Email Address: bill@iearn-canada.org

Registration Acceptance Dates: 4/01/00 to 12/31/03

Number of Classrooms: Open

Age Range: 5 to 19 years

Target Audience: Anyone

Project URL: http://www.communitynetworkers.org

Registration Instructions:
To register, simply send an e-mail to the project facilitator William Belsey at bill@iearn-canada.org and let us know the URLs of the Web site(s) your students have created and where your contributing group is located. Please remember, these pages must by done by STUDENTS! We want to show the world what KIDS can do! Then we will list your group on our projects page with links to your great Web pages. Commercially prepared, or business sites will NOT be listed. The point is to have kids help community non-profit groups bridge the digital divide.

Project Contact Information
William Belsey - mailto:bill@iearn-canada.org
Teacher / Project Facilitator  -  I*EARN-Canada
Cochrane, Alberta,CA


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