MindExplorer SW 1.2 Shareware Copyright (c) 2000 Tomas Cerny, TC-SoftWorks ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You should carefully read through the following terms and conditions before using this software. Your use of this software indicates your acceptance of this licence agreement and disclaimer of warranty. Licence Agreement (Shareware Version) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This software is not free. It is offered for evaluation purposes only. You are entitled to use it for a total of 30 days without having to register. If after 30 days you wish to use it further, you will need to register. Registration is simple and costs only USD 30.-. For details on registration, search the on-line help for "How to register". Licence Agreement (Registered Version) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- One registered copy of MindExplorer SW may either be: - Used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers. OR - Installed on a single computer and be used non-simultaneously by multiple people. Medical Disclaimer ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There are some individuals that should not use audio-visual stimulation (AVS) without medical supervision because AVS can cause seizures in persons with photosensitive epilepsy. If anyone, who will use AVS, is subject to any form of seizures, epilepsy or visual photosensitivity, is using a pacemaker, suffering cardiac arrythmia or other heart disorders, currently taking stimulants, tranquilizers or psychotropic medications, specifically including illicit drugs and alcohol, please do not use audio-visual stimulation. Disclaimer of Warranty (Shareware and Registered Versions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- THIS SOFTWARE AND THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE SUPPLIED "AS IS", WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR TOMAS CERNY BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER INCLUDING DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS OR SPECIAL DAMAGES FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. Distribution (Shareware Version Only) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- You may distribute the shareware version of MindExplorer SW to anyone as long as you distribute ALL of the distribution files.