HOW-2 MEET WOMEN: What's it all about? ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜ This is a book in HTML format. Use your favorite Web browser* to read the chapters. Start by loading the cover, COVER.HTM, then on to the rest of the book by clicking on the 'BROWSE' icon [the Table of Contents is INDEX.HTM]. The chapters in the book have been converted to DOS format, which is why the file names end in ".HTM", rather than ".html", as would otherwise be the case with pages found on the Web. (UNIX and Linux users, please read the file 'UNIX.DOC'.) Note that the chapters contain links and "sidebars". The sidebars deal with such important topics as "rejection" and "the art of telling jokes", and you navigate to them by a mouse click, as usual. Similarly, the links lead to additional sources of information on the Net, and these may likewise be jumped to, though you must be on-line at the time for this to work. While some would prefer to "skip around" through the chapters and sidebars, it is suggested that the first reading be from front to back, in roughly linear order. After that, the sections may be studied in any manner that best meets the reader's needs. Note that the sidebars contain important supplemental material to the chapters and should not be skipped. This book is the distillation of the author's experiences and meditations upon the subject of how a shy single man can meet and relate to women. While there is no guarantee that the methods, techniques, and resources discussed will be of help to you personally, you can be sure that it will be an interesting journey, a learning experience. At the very least, you will gain insight into *why* you are still alone. This e-text book is "successware". Continued use of the book, beyond a 14-day trial period, requires that you send a $10.00 registration fee**, on the assumption that the advice contained therein helps you in your social relationships, or at least in your understanding of them. This is a moral obligation on your part, and an exchange of value demonstrates a serious commitment to this program, to fulfilling the contract between the author and yourself... to changing your life. Registering will entitle you to support, to have questions personally answered by the author, via e-mail, and to be notified of revisions and additions. Counseling tailored specifically to your own personal relationship problems can often help in situations where "generic" advice is not particularly useful. As an added bonus, registered users receive a handwritten, personalized Thank You note, scanned and sent as an e-mail attachment. For an extra dollar, the author will additionally send the paper original of the note via snailmail. For an extra $10 (total of $20), the author will personalize the actual [HTML] title page or cover of the book (your choice) by electronically superimposing a handwritten personalized dedication onto it. This creates the digital equivalent of an autographed "collectible" copy. If you are a commercial publisher who might consider buying the rights, especially print rights, to HOW-2 MEET WOMEN, please contact the author. Inquiries by agents and other publishing professionals are also welcomed. The latest updates of the book appear on the author's web site, see below. Registered users lacking Internet access will be mailed updates on a floppy periodically, according to their needs. *Optimized for Netscape Navigator [TM], but any other browser should also work. **Persons residing outside the U.S. should contact the author for details on how to register. M\Cooper PO Box 237 St. David, AZ 85630-0237