HOW-2 Meet Women




Another Letter From a Reader

Here is yet another response to HOW-2 Meet Women. The author of this e-mail letter raises some valid concerns, points that deserve consideration. Every lonely man has, at some point, faced himself in the mirror and found himself wanting, unworthy of the company of his fellow human beings. Why? Because he has internalized the expectations of others and denied his own true uniqueness, the spark of the divine within his being that gives him his own special purpose among the living.

The letter is reprinted here with the permission of its author. His e-mail address and name have, of course, been deleted.

From <address deleted> Thu Aug 14 14:48:44 1997
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 03:16:45 -0800
From: <name deleted>
Subject: Those are really wise words

I must admit it, i'm really a shy, sensitive guy at heart. But I have to constantly play the role of the sex starved, bold knight in order to simply SURVIVE. Why, just to get through the day I have to pretend to be a social animal, that I have to be reeking of libido and full of love...I admit it, I've fallen into the trap of your so succinctly stated "beautiful people" syndrome. Smug, unapproachable, and all that crap. I've discovered that being full of myself only leads to misery.

The trick is, how can I approach women, especially someone I would want to meet and get to know, and if I fail, escape with my pride and integrity intact? Women are vicious creatures..all too willing to hurl insults and put downs, and even though I try to play it off, sometimes I do take it personally and it really hurts. Even if they're nonvocal in their rejection, I can just tell by the vibe that they think I'm a jerk or a loser. It's hard enough to get the energy to be social enough to attract my one and only. So...what's the alternative? I've been considering hookers but that whole deal is just too crappy. And that's what it is, a "deal".

You don't have to answer my e-mail. But I would like to say your page has definitely been something to think about.

-a nihilistic hermit from <location deleted>

P.S. I am a romantic at heart. Iswear.;-)

From thegrendel@theriver.comThu Aug 14 14:48:00 1997
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 1997 16:52:07 -0700 (MST)
From: "M. Leo Cooper" <>
To: <destination deleted>
Subject: Re: Those are really wise words

On Sun, 10 Aug 1997, <name deleted> wrote:

> I must admit it, i'm really a shy, sensitive guy at heart.

Aren't we all?

> But I have to constantly play the role of the sex starved, bold knight
> in order to simply SURVIVE.

No, you don't have to, you choose to.

> Why, just to get through the day I have to pretend
> to be a social animal, that I have to be reeking of libido and full of
> love...

Why? To impress your friends? To attract women? If so,
a) friends like that you don't need, and
b) women like that you don't need.

> I admit it, I've fallen into the trap of your so succinctly
> stated "beautiful people" syndrome. Smug, unapproachable, and all that
> crap. I've discovered that being full of myself only leads
> to misery.

I have a pretty good hunch that many of the so-called "beautiful people" feel out of place, that they are really somewhat normal human beings just faking it. Pretending to be something you're not requires a tremendous expenditure of energy, of life force that could better be used for higher purposes, such as making you a more interesting, more vital, more lovable person.

> The trick is, how can I approach women, especially someone I would
> want to meet and get to know, and if I fail, escape with my pride
> and integrity intact?

Develop enough self-confidence so that you can deal with rejection.

> Women are vicious creatures..all too willing to hurl insults and put downs

Some women are like this, and those are the ones you want to avoid. Catching a few insults and putdowns is a small enough price to pay to find out what kind of person they are. Consider it fair warning that this is a woman you want to leave to some other victim to deal with.

> sometimes I do take it personally and it really hurts.

Pain is part of being human. Learning that you can endure and survive it makes you stronger.

> Even if they're nonvocal in their rejection, I can just tell by the
> vibe that they think I'm a jerk or a loser.

You are responsible for your behavior, not for their thoughts about you. If they think you a jerk/loser, that means emphatically that they are not the women for you. Your own inner judgment about yourself is what counts.

People who are "inner directed", who have confidence and a good self-image, are much less susceptible to manipulation and exploitation by others. The lesson for lonely people is to "optimize" what they are, to become "inner directed".

> It's hard enough to get the energy to be social enough to attract my one and only.
> So...what's the alternative? I've been considering hookers but that whole deal
> is just too crappy. And that's what it is, a "deal".

Patience, patience, and fortitude. Keep trying, and don't set a timetable for yourself. Develop yourself, become a more interesting, "worthwhile", and confident person, and you will attract others to you.

Resorting to prostitutes is a dead certain path to despair and disease.

> You don't have to answer my e-mail. But I would like to say your page
> has definitely been something to think about.

Thank you for your encouraging words.

May I have your permission to quote from your letter (keeping you and your e-mail address anonymous, of course)? I think you eloquently express concerns of many single young men.

> -a nihilistic hermit from <deleted>
> P.S. I am a romantic at heart. Iswear.;-)

When it comes time for your to decide between nihilism and romanticism, I hope you make the choice that leads to your personal happiness.

All the best.


                               Divinity must live within herself:
                               Passions of rain, or moods in falling snow;
                               Grievings in loneliness, or unsubdued
                               Elations when the forest blooms; gusty
                               Emotions on wet roads on autumn nights;
                               All pleasures and all pains, remembering...
Wallace Stevens, "Sunday Morning"
