HOW-2 Meet Women



Chapter 11

Deepening the Relationship

You have been dating a nice woman, and the two of you seem to feel at ease with each other and enjoy being together. It feels right being with her, but you have yet to touch, to hold hands, to exchange more than a hug and a nominal kiss or two. Where do you go from here?

Talk. Set up lines of communication. Establish a rapport.
Every revealed nuance, every secret desire, every confession of weakness, every exploration of hope and admission of paralyzing fear strengthens the bond between the two of you, helps you accept the other as a human being, flawed but worthy of acceptance as a trusted and intimate companion.

Show her how much you cherish her. Share interests, activities, and hobbies. Develop customs and "traditions" unique to yourselves as a couple. Build trust. Learn how to disagree. Get to know her family, and introduce her to your own.

There comes that magic moment when you finally touch, when she fiercely grasps your hand of her own free will, when you start to give her the usual goodnight peck on the cheek and she turns her face to catch the kiss full on her lips (and, oh, how soft and yielding and warm they are!). This is a healing touch, an affirmative, giving touch. It is a pledge of yearned for commitment, a seed cast upon the waters of tomorrow.

Consider the process, the dynamic of how two people become one, a couple. The two of you gradually grow closer, begin to have deep feelings for one another, and to bond. Past a certain threshold, you cease to think of the woman as someone you have been dating, instead she becomes the other half of us. This is the point where commitment enters the picture, commitment to the relationship and to the happiness and well being of your partner. This is the critical moment when you decide to share your life together.


Since you are somewhat inexperienced in the realm of man-woman relationships, you will blunder at first, learning by trial and error, making painful mistakes. You force the pace, letting your anxiety and impatience bruise the fragile trust between you. You let personal insecurities drive you to acts of jealousy. You try to change, or "remodel" her. Your strategems to pull her closer, to take possession of her -- drive her away. Sometimes, it seems as if all your efforts are self-defeating...

Be prepared for the possibility that the relationship may never 'kindle'. If such be the case, consider it 'training' for your next one. Go on with your life. Meet new persons. Explore new relationships.

Finally, recognize that even a close relationship may go sour. Danger signs in a failing relationship include lack of respect between partners, constant bickering, and, most telling of all, power and domination dramas. If the two of you can no longer make each other laugh, give each other comfort by a touch, and share intimate moments, then there is little hope left. If your partner disparages and makes fun of you, there is not much remaining to hold on to. You can no longer evade hard choices, and the time has come to consider a graceful exit.

Farewell! thou art too dear for my possessing...
Shakespeare, Sonnet 87


I took a woman out for the first time, and we had an enjoyable evening together. We said our goodnights and kissed, but left it at that. Where do I go from here?

Assuming she gave you her telephone number, a follow-up call in the next day or two would be in order. As an alternative, consider sending her a note, accompanied by flowers.

I have no trouble meeting women and making friends with them, but as the relationship progresses, they inevitably lose interest in me. What am I doing wrong?

You come on strong at the initial meeting, making a striking first impression. You have built up her expectations at this point. Then, as she gets to know you better, she finds out that there is not all that much beneath the impressive looking exterior. You promise much more than you deliver.

When first meeting a women, hold back in reserve something of yourself. If "that's all there is", of course you will disappoint her later. Even more important, develop yourself as a person. Cultivate some interests and become a deeper person. Keep growing and renewing yourself.

How will I know that she is the one for me?

"Love at first sight" is a verifiable phenomenon, but don't count on it happening to you. More commonly, it will gradually dawn on the both of you, during the course of the relationship, that you have a special bond, and perhaps, just perhaps are meant for each other.

What does she think of when she's with me?

Most likely she has the usual culturally imposed anxieties. Does he like me? Have I done something wrong? Do I look good? Getting past that, to the point where you can create ties of friendship and trust, where you can relax in each other's company - this is what will make or break your relationship.

How can I be sure she loves me?

You can't.

How can I test her love?

Relationships are based on trust. "Testing" her love violates that trust and demeans both of you.

I'm very inexperienced in the ways of life and love. What will I do when it actually comes time to be intimate with a woman?

Making love to a woman, and doing so well and truly, requires only patience, sensitivity to her needs, and imagination. It is less a matter of talent than dedication. Becoming an accomplished lover is a process of learning and transformation, the work of a lifetime.

"To lovers I [bequeath] their imaginary world, with whatever they may need, as the stars of the sky, the red, red roses by the wall, the snow of the hawthorn, the sweet strains of music, or aught else they may desire to figure to each other the lastingness and beauty of their love."

Last will and testament of Charles Lounsbury (1897)
