
The navigation icons and assorted small illustrative graphics come from Anthony's Icon Library, compiled and made freely available by Anthony Thyssen. The road sign icons in Chapter 12 are from the Manual of Traffic Signs, by Richard C. Moeur, and used with his kind permission. Certain of the sidebar title graphics, such as in The Knack, were created by the author of HMW. The "Beware of Snakes" photo in Chapter 12 resulted from a snapshot taken by the author's wife.

Certain of the graphics were created and/or manipulated using the powerful Open Source Gimp image program. Note that all icons and graphics are in the jpeg nonproprietary format, due to licensing restrictions on gif files.

The author compiled quotes from a wide variety of sources, among them the UNIX "Fortune" program and selections from classical works and diverse readings (the "fair usage" doctrine applies). Surprisingly enough, Bartlett's Familiar Quotations proved to be a poor resource, and is hardly represented.

The author wishes to thank all the people who encouraged him in his efforts and made helpful suggestions, most notably his loving wife.

Last, but certainly not least, the author expresses his gratitude to the all the people who created and developed the free, Open Source Linux operating system, for providing a rock-solid working environment and the tools to make a project of this magnitude feasible.

                                 We work in the dark
                                 We do what we can
                                 We give what we have
                                 Our doubt is our passion,
				 and our passion is our task
                                 The rest is the madness of art.
                                                    Henry James
