Shards & Fragments

Assorted Tips and Hints

These are odds 'n ends, written on scraps of paper found among the contents of Uncle Filbert's steamer trunk. They are to be taken "with a grain of salt", to be sure, but strangely enough, most of the "advice" actually seems to work.

How can you tell if she 'likes' you?

There are certain physical telltales, such as enlargement of the pupils, slightly defocused gaze, rapid pulse, and reddened skin that may indicate infatuation. If she get flustered and nervous speaking to you, and is unable to make eye contact, it could be that she is overwhelmed, quite taken with you.

Note that this is NOT a reliable method, as the signs can easily be misread and could signify quite the opposite in some situations. It is far better to trust the normal communications channels, to listen to what she says, to understand her behavior toward you.

"Mesmerizing" a woman.

Everyone has a characteristic cadence in their movements, their mannerisms, their walk, their speech, their personal way of doing things. This is their heartbeat rhythm, their most intimate "signature", their very style. When two people begin to draw together, they unconsciously adjust their rhythms to blend and synchronize. By design, you can subtly accelerate and reinforce this very natural process, using deliberate mimicry.

Speaking with her, detach part of your mind from the conversation, and gradually key your verbal responses to the cadence and timing of her speaking rhythm. Walking by her side, carefully copy her pace and cadence. Facing her, match her every breath, even her blink rate. You are trying to synchronize your physiological rhythms. The objective is to forge a harmony, a resonance, a unity from your physical nearness.

This methodology is presented for informational purposes only ("Don't try this at home, folks..."). Such techniques have their dangers and are not appropriate for general use, as there are very serious ethical implications.
Caution and discretion advised.

                           Glendower: I can call spirits from the vasty deep.
                           Hotspur:   Why, so can I, or so can any man;
                                      But will they come when you do call for them?
Shakespeare, Henry IV

How to attract the eyes of every woman present, as you walk into a room.

And now that you've got their attention, what are you going to do with it???

How to get a woman to approach you, to make the first move.

Most women have a natural reluctance to making the initial approach to a man, partly as a result of upbringing (yes, even in this day and age), and from fear of risking rejection. This creates a fairly high barrier to be overcome before a woman will 'come on' to you... but she will if she wants you badly enough, if she perceives an opportunity to meet you slipping away, if she fears losing you to another woman.

"Safe" gifts to give early in a relationship.

Useful skills and attributes to cultivate:

"A Brief History of Romantic Love"
(based on research fragments by an unidentified student)

For most of human history, single men have not had to concern themselves with meeting and courting women. Arranged marriage was the norm. Dating and relationships did not occupy a place in everyday life, and the social skills necessary for the practice of same were superfluous. Outside of the sanction of marriage, seduction and secretive assignations were common.

"Romantic love" is a relatively recent innovation, originating in the High Middle Ages, most notably in the Twelfth Century court of Eleanor of Aquitaine, and spread among the royalty and aristocracy by wandering troubadors and minstrels. It is only since the Industrial Revolution and the rise of the Middle Class that the custom of marriage based on love gained wide acceptance, that is to say, respectability.

This is not to minimize or deprecate the role of attraction between persons, both on a physical and spiritual level, as a motivating factor in all the matings and couplings that have taken place throughout the ages. Men and women have alway managed to circumvent the conventions and restraints of society in order to satisfy their own needs. Social boundaries exist to keep natural urges within bounds, to "tame" them for the sake of the common good.

The pages following are badly water-stained and illegible.

                   ... for love is strong as death, passion cruel as the grave;
                   it blazes up like blazing fire, fiercer than any flame.
Song of Solomon 8:6 [NEB]
