NoteTab Light - Ver: 4.82
Written by: Fookes Software
av. EugΦne-Pittard 22 ter
Geneva, GE 1206
Screen Shot
ASP Member=Y
ESC Member=N
Release Date: 05/12/2000
Release Status: Minor Update
File Size: 1233k  -  1.20MB Type: Freeware
Keywords: text, html, editor, notepad, notetab, free, freeware, web, tabs, autocorrect, search and replace, programmable, regexp, perl, gawk, scripts, mac, unix

The ultimate free Notepad replacement and a handy HTML editor. Move quickly around stacks of large files with a simple tabbed interface and format your text to your heart's content. Perform system-wide search and replacements. Strip HTML tags. Build libraries of text macros to speed up your work. Avoid tedious cut-and-paste operations -- save text clips automatically in Paste Board files. Make the most of NoteTab's options to suit your workstyle.

Contact Info:
General Phone: +41/22-789 58 44
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Sales Phone: 1-877-353-7297
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Supported Operating Systems: Win95,Win98,WinNT 4.x,Windows2000
System Requirements:RAM: 8MB; HD: 1.4MB
Install Support: Install and Uninstall