GIF CONSTRUCTION SET PROFESSIONAL 2.0a Please read this document in its entirety before proceeding. Note to unregistered users: GIF Construction Set Professional is shareware. We invite you to evaluate the GIF Construction Set Professional package to see if it's suitable for your needs. If you like it, please register it. If it turns out not to be what you need, or if you don't feel it's worth registering, please uninstall it from your hard drive as discussed below and accept our thanks for trying it out. If you do productive work of any sort with this software, you are no longer evaluating it. Thanks for checking out GIF Construction Set Professional. If you encounter problems with it or if you have any questions, please contact us at Our e-mail and web page addresses can also be found in the About dialog for the software. What It Does GIF Construction Set Professional is the ultimate application for creating animated and transparent GIF files for your web page. It features Animation Wizard to help you create animations in minutes, sophisticated special effects, text banners, LED signs, rotation, block management, AVI conversion, supercompression, an intuitive user interface and a lot more. Its extensive documentation and tutorials will assist even novice users in bypassing the usual learning curve for GIF animation, and get right down to things that flash and move. Note that the documentation for GIF Construction Set Professional is provided as a series of HTML documents installed with the software. When you access the documents, your web browser will open these files. Because of the extremely low cost of GIF Construction Set, we are not offering a reduced-cost upgrade path to registered users of the 1.0-series "classic" software. GIF Construction Set Classic registration codes will not work in GIF Construction Set Professional. Hacker Warning GIF Construction Set Professional is true shareware - nothing is crippled or disabled in the downloadable evaluation copies. We invite you to try out every feature in the software exactly as it will work at such time as you register. GIF Construction Set Professional does not include a time-limit, exclusive of beta expiry dates. It will not cease to function one day and hold your graphics hostage until you pay for it. The only "price" for evaluating GIF Construction Set Professional is that it will display its shareware reminder notice when you exit the software, and it will add an UNREGISTERED SHAREWARE comment block to the GIF files it creates. These will not appear in registered copies, of course. Regrettably, there are people who seek to disable the shareware notices in applications like GIF Construction Set Professional, in effect, to enjoy registered copies of GIF Construction Set without paying for them. We regard this as theft, no less so than someone who seeks to enjoy a television set or a car without paying for them. In order to prevent the theft of GIF Construction Set in this way, GIF Construction Set's registration codes are fairly sneaky. They permit GIF Construction Set to know with a high degree of certainty when it's having its leg pulled by someone with a bogus code. Being a very patient application, GIF Construction Set does not always respond immediately to attempts to "register" it in this manner. We have encountered several attempts by software pirates to create GIF Construction Set registration code generators. Of these: ? Some flat-out did not work. ? Some generated illegal codes which GIF Construction Set will accept for a time and then reject. ? One actually generated genuine GIF Construction Set codes about one time in twenty, and generated illegal codes the rest of the time. Best of luck guessing which was which. ? One was infected with the Stoned virus. If you feed GIF Construction Set a bogus code, it will eventually do something fairly surprising. Consult your imagination for the possible meanings of "eventually" and "surprising." We've been developing software longer than most of the parties responsible for trying to crack GIF Construction Set's registration codes have been alive. Consider whether you want to believe us or a prematurely-bald fourteen year old kid who identifies himself as "CrakkHed." Consider further the cost of a legitimate, registered copy of GIF Construction Set Professional compared to the time it will take you to reformat and reload your hard drive, should CrakkHed's illegal code generator turn out to be the one with the Stoned virus. It's probably worth pointing out that GIF Construction Set's registration codes use a system of internal checksums to distinguish between typing errors and deliberately bogus codes. For example, if you enter fourteen randomly-chosen digits into the Registration Code field, GIF Construction Set will do nothing more surprising than tell you that your registration name and code do not match. The odds of someone attempting to enter a valid registration code and entering a code which GIF Construction Set regards as being bogus by mistake are one in 100,000,000,000,000. By comparison, the odds of being killed by lightening are about one in 100,000,000, a much more tangible threat. Alchemy Mindworks specifically disavows any responsibility for consequences arising out of the use of hacked copies of its software or illegally-obtained registration codes, however surprising said consequences may be. Uninstalling GIF Construction Set GIF Construction Set Professional can be uninstalled through the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Windows Control Panel.