EliteTyping® 99 v3.1 for Windows 95/98/NT Copyright© 1995-1999 Clasys™ Ltd. All Rights Reserved TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Overview 2. Awards & Reviews 3. License Agreement 4. Installation 5. How to Get Help 1. Overview: EliteTyping® is an AWARDS-WINNING touch typing tutor software which teaches you touch typing in an easy, effective and amusing way. EliteTyping® saves a HUGE amount of hours trying to learn touch typing, and it is suitable for both adults and children. EliteTyping® is a MUST HAVE tool for anyone who wishes to learn how to type quickly and effectively or just trying to improve his/her typing skills. It enables you to advance step by step according to your own personal pace, you are also offered a variety of exercises of different categories and also the opportunity of creating your own practices. EliteTyping® offers a report about all the user’s drills and their scores, and also a typing errors report, about all the user’s typing errors in each key. Moreover extensive graphing capabilities can show your typing progress in many different 3D graphs. EliteTyping® makes the learning process of touch typing amusing and enjoyable thus not damaging the effectiveness of learning. EliteTyping® Includes a full graphical user interface which is very intuitive and simple to operate. Highlights: · Supports multiple users. · Full graphical user interface which is very intuitive and simple to operate. · 30 comprehensive keyboard lessons, for typists and computer users. · Comprehensive keypad lessons for cashiers, accountants and intensive numeric keypad users. · Each lesson practice includes single letters, words and full sentences drills. · Progress data is saved for each individual user, and improvement statistics and 3D graphs are displayed. · An option to create lessons based on the user problematic characters. · The ability of choosing your skills improvement, which refers to accuracy or speed. · The user can get a report about all his/her drills and their scores. · Extensive use of multimedia techniques to improve learning process effectiveness. · The ability to practice free touch typing for maintaining and improving typing skills. · Detailed suggestions with ergonomic techniques on how to type the right way. · Each lesson includes a practice mode to improve acquired skills. · Comprehensive practice sessions. · An option of creating your own desired practice. · The ability of using standard/transcribe typing practice. · The user gets a report about all his/her typing errors in each key. · You are the one who determines the level of the lesson. DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE AND ALL THE ACCOMPANYING FILES ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY WARRANTIES EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ANY LIABILITY OF CLASYS™ LTD. WILL BE LIMITED EXCLUSIVELY TO PRODUCT REPLACEMENT OR REFUND OF THE PRODUCT PURCHASE PRICE. IN NO EVENT SHALL CLASYS™ LTD. BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THIS PRODUCT. 2. Awards & Reviews: Here by are presented some of the Awards/Reviews on EliteTyping® 99 For further details... http://www.clasys.com/elitetyping.html · WinFiles - Editors' Pick. · C|Net Editors' choice & users POP program. · Five Stars from ZDNet (PC-Magazine) File Library. · Windows application's Editors' choice. · TopSoft Top 10 downloaded program · Rocket Download FIVE smiley rating as Editors' pick. · OH.yeah USA Editors' choice. · WinSight application Stars. · CMP Net - File Mine five stars. · Windows Util Editors’ choice. · Boot-It Editors' Pick. · SoftSeek Editors’ choice. · TSN theshareware.net Editors' choice. · Simple The Best (STB) Editors' choice. · The shareware net Top 10 downloaded program. · Jumbo archive 10 STARS rating. · NetScape Center - Editors' Pick + Front Door. · iAfrica - Download application of the week. · Tyme’s Editors’ choice – Five stars. ZDnet Review: EliteTyping 99 is a touch typing tutor with exciting graphics, step-by-step lessons, practice exercises and graphs to chart your progress. The office picture interface lets you enter the program modes by placing the cursor on related objects. Scroll through the lessons to pick the area you wish to work on. when you finish, you can view reports of speed, errors, and other performance factors. Typing teachers can create their own exercises to add to the program or you can create your own lessons on problem keys, numbers and symbols. This is a first-rate typing program with excellent graphics and plenty of activity to keep your interest high. Rocket's review: If you're looking for ways to hone your typing skills, this program is an excellent tool to help you. EliteTyping offers a great variety of drills and practices that are certain to increase your typing speed and accuracy. Because this program supports multiple users, many homes, businesses and schools will find it useful. A family with typists of all different levels can learn from the 30 comprehensive keyboard lessons, and each individual can track his or her own progress with charts and graphs. EliteTyping is one of the best typing programs I've run across, so I'm giving EliteTyping a five smiley rating. There are a great variety of options, it's extremely easy to use, and just about everybody should find EliteTyping fun and beneficial. iAFRICA net: Download application of the week: "I know you don't take requests," wrote Donovan Rigley, "but this is really urgent and special. My sister Natalie's been retrenched, and she'd like to use her PC to get some typing lessons. Any ideas?" - well, we'll make an exception here because we *also* feel the need for some typing drills.. so - EliteTyping is an excellent tool for anyone who wishes to learn how to type quickly and effectively or just trying to improve his/her typing skills. It saves a huge amount of time (and money?) you'd normally spend to learn touch typing. It is suitable for both adults and children and it includes an intuitive and  simple to operate graphical user interface. WinApp review : EliteTyping is an superb application for anyone wanting to learn how to type or improve their typing skills. It has a user friendly and effective interface. EliteTyping offers a variety of exercises to help get you quickly up to speed. All data from your lessons are recorded so that you can quickly determine how you are progressing. This outstanding application is definitely worth the price and download time. The Shareware Net's (TSN) review: EliteTyping is geared both towards the novice who is fed up with the 2 fingered approach and the secretary who wants to brush up on his/her typing skills. You never feel out of your depth as the leaning curve is at your own pace and neither do you surcumb to bordom due to the variety of the 30 lessons. Audio corrections signal errors, and mistake frequencies are counted. You track your progress with 3D graphs that show speed and accuracy. Because multiple users are allowed get the entire office to brush up on their typing skills! Although the unregistered version only gives you a taster of what can be achieved it should be enough for you to realize that EliteTyping is the BEST program of its kind. For further details… http://www.clasys.com/elitetyping.html 3. License Agreement: The use of EliteTyping® is subject to the following terms and conditions. Title To The Licensed Software Title to the licensed software is NOT transferred or sold to the end user. The end user is granted a non-exclusive license to use the software on a SINGLE computer or computer work station. EACH computer or computer work station must have its own licensed copy of the software. Copyright Protection EliteTyping® is copyrighted material. It is protected by the copyright laws of the United States, the State of California, and other proprietary rights of Clasys™ Ltd. You may not make any changes or modifications to EliteTyping® or this manual. You may not de compile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse-engineer the software in any way. You may make copies of EliteTyping® only under the terms of the section entitled "Limited License To Copy The Licensed Software". You may use EliteTyping® on a thirty (30) day trial basis only, provided you do not violate the protection afforded the licensed software by the copyright laws, and you agree to the terms of the license agreement. If you use EliteTyping® past the 30 day evaluation period you are required to purchase it by paying the registration fee. Limited Warranty Clasys™ Ltd. does not warrant that the licensed software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. The warranty does not cover any media or documentation which has been subjected to damage or abuse by you or others. The software warranty does not cover any copy of the licensed software which has been altered or changed in any way. In other words, there is no warranty either implied or expressed. ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE LIMITED TO THE TERM OF THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES. Some States do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you. Other Warranties The warranties set forth above are in lieu of any and all other express or implied warranties, whether oral, written, or implied, and the remedies set forth above are the sole and exclusive remedies. Limitation Of Liability Clasys™ Ltd. is not responsible nor liable in anyway for any problems or damage caused by the licensed software that may result from using the licensed software. This includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware, computer software, operating systems, and any computer or computing accessories. End user agrees to hold Clasys™ Ltd. harmless for any problems arising from the use of the software. Clasys™ Ltd. SHALL NOT IN ANY CASE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL, INDIRECT OR OTHER SIMILAR DAMAGES ARISING FROM ANY BREACH OF THESE WARRANTIES EVEN IF Clasys™ Ltd. OR ITS AGENTS OR DISTRIBUTORS HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. THIS AGREEMENT SHELL BE GOVERNED BY THE LAWS OF ISRAEL AND SHELL INURE TO THE BENEFIT OF Clasys™ Ltd. AND ANY SUCCESSORS, ADMINISTRATORS, HEIRS, AND ASSIGNS. ANY ACTION OR PROCEEDING BROUGHT BY EITHER PARTY AGAINST THE OTHER ARISING OUT OR RELATED TO THIS AGREEMENT SHALL BE BROUGHT ONLY IN ISRAEL. In no case shall Clasys™ Software Ltd. liability exceed the license fees paid for the right to use the licensed software, or a sum no greater than one Dollar ($1.00), whichever is less. Limited License To Copy The Software You are granted a limited license to copy EliteTyping® ONLY FOR THE TRIAL USE OF OTHERS subject to the terms of this software license agreement described herein, and that the conditions described below are met. # No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by anyone without the express written permission of Clasys™ Ltd. # Public Domain Disk Vendors May NOT CHARGE a fee for EliteTyping® itself. However you may include EliteTyping® on a diskette/CD-ROM for which you charge a nominal distribution fee. The purchaser of said diskette must be informed in advance that the fee paid to acquire the diskette does NOT relieve said purchaser from paying the Registration Fee for EliteTyping® if said purchaser uses EliteTyping®. # The statement of shareware registration requirements MUST be printed on a label, or other form, that is directly attached to the distribution media. # Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (SysOps) may post EliteTyping® for downloading by their users without written permission ONLY AS LONG AS THE ABOVE CONDITIONS ARE MET. A fee may be charged for access to the BBS AS LONG AS NO SPECIFIC FEE IS CHARGED FOR DOWNLOADING EliteTyping® files without first obtaining the express written permission from Clasys™ Ltd. to charge such a fee. Evaluation and Registration This is not free software. This license allows you to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period a registration fee of 39 US Dollars is required. Payment can be in Cash, money order, checks. Payments can be in any currency. Please try to pay in cash for small orders, if you are paying with checks most of the money goes to the bank it self due to the bank commissions. Payments should be sent to: Clasys™ Ltd. P. O. Box 637 Ness-Ziona 70400 ISRAEL Quantity discounts are available, as described in the section Ordering Information/Order Form. When payment is received you will be sent a registration key to remove all unregistered messages and documentation and the last version of EliteTyping®. One registered copy of EliteTyping® may either be used by a single person who uses the software personally on one or more computers, or installed on a single workstation used non simultaneously by multiple people, but not both. You may access the registered version of EliteTyping® through a network, provided that you have obtained individual licenses for the software covering all workstations that will access the software through the network. DO YOU SUSPECT TAMPERED FILES? If you believe your copy of EliteTyping® has been tampered or altered in anyway, shape or form. Please contact us immediately! We'll get you an unadulterated copy immediately, by the mail or via modem. 4. Installation: Requirements: Windows 95/98/NT, 80486 Processor or better Desktop area 800 by 600 pixels or better Color pallette 16Bit or better To perform the installation, copy the distributed file into a new directory and run from Windows the SETUP program from that directory. 5. How to Get Help: If you have any questions/problems, technical support can be obtained in several ways: Via Email: Support@clasys.com Via Fax: +972-8-9389070 Via Phone: +972-8-9300519 Via Surface mail Clasys Ltd. P.O. Box 637 Ness-Ziona 70400 ISRAEL Via Internet http://www.clasys.com When you do report a bug or have a technical question please provide information about : the hardware you are using, version of windows, version of the operating system (like the DOS, the OS/2 version number) what are the exact symptoms and what have you done so far in order to solve the problem. If you have any suggestion on how the product can be improved, please write those one too. Thank and enjoy it, Clasys Ltd.