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Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology (MUCT) is the Russia's leading higher education establishment engaged in training specialists for the chemical industry. Every year, the University accepts about 840 freshmen. Apart from the students from CIS, formed of former Soviet Republics, the University provides training for nearly 450 undergraduate and graduate students from nearly 60 countries of Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America.

MUCT has 13 faculties, 7 colleges, and more than 50 departments, headed by prominent scholars and specialists in natural sciences, general engineering, chemical engineering, special disciplines, and social sciences:

The University's staff includes 1,000 lecturers and instructors and 900 research associates, of whom 120 have doctorates and 530 the candidate's degree.


The rectangle of Miusskaya Square, the present site of MUCT, is flanked by arrow-straight thoroughfares running, as they have been for centuries, from the Kremlin walls to Tver and Dmitrov.

In days of old, the land in this area used to belong to coachmen, whose natural occupation was crop farming, grazing horses, and trading timber for housing construction and shipbuilding. Many of the streets around the University bear old names inferring past residents' trades.

As modern industries burgeoned in Moscow between the 1870s and 1890s, the area around Miusskaya Square was rapidly built up with dwelling houses and academic and research institutions.

An educational establishment that enjoyed special repute was the Popular University. It was built from funds donated by A. Shamavsky, a rich gold mining industrialist and free-thinking and democratically minded man . This University was staffed with some of the top lecturers of the time.

The Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia traces its beginnings back to the year 1898.

It was founded as an Industrial School, reformed into the Moscow Chemical College in 1918, and shortly afterwards had the name of the celebrated scholar, Dmitry Mendeleev, added to its official name.

Two years later, the college was upgraded to institute, and given the title of the Mendeleev Institute of Chemical Technology.

That was 174 years after the great Russian scientist Mikhail Lomonosov opened the nation's first scientific chemical laboratory at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences in 1746.

In 1993 the Institute was renamed into D.Mendeleyev University of Chemical Technology of Russia (MUCT).

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MUCT adheres to a flexible training system, allowing individual programs to be developed for each discipline, depending on students' preferences and specialization.

The educational program is aimed at producing top-level specialists for employment in a wide range of fields in chemical science and technology.

Apart from solid grounding in basic and special disciplines, the curricula include new humanity courses, environmental subjects, crash courses in foreign languages, and lengthy stints of practical training at leading centers of chemical science and education abroad.

The addition of courses in social sciences and humanities to the traditional program will give the future engineers a modern background in philosophy, ethics, esthetics, the history of world.

MUCT is one of the first higher learning institutions in the country to provide instruction in two languages, Russian and English.

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MUCT is more than an educational establishment producing chemical industry engineers. It is also a prestigious research center.

Its researchers and students carry out diverse research projects, including the development of:

In recent years, the University's researchers have developed unique high- selectivity sorbents for purifying human blood of toxic agents, and polymeric and ceramic composite materials having specified properties.

Their pioneering projects include the development of facing crystalline glass materials capable of challenging natural ones, granite and marble.

They have improved techniques and equipment for comprehensive purification of wastes from heavy metals.

They also have developed highly efficient electrolyte compositions for depositing glossy coatings intended for microelectronics.

Under contracts with the country's large research institutes and industrial enterprises, MUCT researchers have created energy-saving processes and optimal equipment designing principles, developed flexible manufacturing modules and processes, synthesized flexible flow lines, and much else.

Many of MUCT developments have been adopted in various industries, and awarded State prizes, diplomas and certificates of international exhibitions.

The students are contributing their share to these successes: every year they work on some 320 research projects.

The most competent and socially active students are granted honorary scholarships, and many more are given scholarships for progress in studies and research work.

Students' research papers are published in scientific journals, read at conferences, and entered in contests.

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Chemistry has given mankind new types of energy and high-quality materials possessing desired properties, and helped man to make most of the available raw materials, raise the efficiency of industrial and agricultural production, and develop envoronmentally harmless processes.

MUCT was the first among the country's higher educational establishments to respond to the call of the times by setting up the first ever department of industrial ecology which celebrated its 10th aniversary in 1994. In 1989 the first ever faculty of engineering ecology was set.

In 1995 the first ever Department for the Problems of Sustainable Development was set.

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As a cosmopolitan establishment, MUCT has long-standing international ties. More than 2,500 students from 76 countries received training at the University since 1946.

Thirty or so of the University's departments are actively involved in international cooperation programs. These cover joint projects and exchange of faculty members with many universities and colleges in the United States, Great Britain, Italy, France, Germany, China, and other countries.

Cooperation with foreign institutions of higher learning is carried out in the following areas:

The results of the past ten years in this area are as follows:

MUCT is active in export and import operations. As a result, it has set up joint ventures with companies in the US, Spain, Italy, and Germany to produce a material called Sigran,carry out catalytic hydrolysis, produce catalysts, etc.

The University has teamed up with the MCM in Frankfurt, Germany, in setting up a German joint-stock company, MCM Industrial Technology, which is to specialize in implementing the University's projects in Germany.

MUCT keeps up successful cooperation with US universities and colleges in providing short-term courses in the Russian language.

Numerous textbooks and monographs written at MUCT and translated into English, Japanese, Bulgarian, and Chinese have won the acclaim of many specialists at home and abroad.

The University has provided premises and facilities for an International UNESCO Center for Chemical Sciences, Education and Technology.

Here is the list of subjects undergraduate exchange students could explore in Moscow:

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Scientific Information Center This Center combines the University's information facilities and libraries. It provides information for educational work and research, disseminates the University's achievements, arranges training for students and employees in techniques of searching for and utilizing domestic and foreign information.

The users are offered more than 200 data banks in chemistry, chemical processes, physics and other sciences.

The University's library stook boasts more than 1.5 million books, there are rare publications among them.


The Computer Center is concerned with providing enough computers and software for the purposes of instruction, research, and management.

The Center enables students and faculty members to:

The Computer Center has on offer data base control systems and programming systems for automating and designing industrial chemical processes.

TECHNOPARK "Ecochembusiness - 2000+"

The complex solution of the scientific and technical problems of the environmental protection and the rational use of natural resources.

Professors, researchers and engineers of D. Mendeleyev University, experts in different scientific fields.

Ability to:
  • create the new technology and equipment for the utilisation of industrial solid, liquid and gase ous wastes;
  • carry out the expertise of technological decisi ons and investments;
  • carry out the risk assesment of industrial enterprises;
  • carry out the sertification of the new and exis ting technologies and equipment for the resolving of environmental problems and the rational use of natural resources;
  • produce a little batchs of the high effective environmently friendly equipment for treatment harmless of solid, liquid, and gaseous waste;
  • educate and retrain the staff for the resolution of environmental problems and high technologies, including the conversion ones.
  • President: Rector RCTU, prof. Pavel D. Sarkisov

    Director: Prof. Vladimir A. Kolesnikov

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    The University's Patent and Licensing Department is concerned with obtaining priority status for the results of research conducted at the University and meriting patent protection. It also vigorously promotes the University's foreign-economic activities.

    This Department prepares recommendations for patents and licenses, looks for potential commercial partners, and prepares technical specifications for contracts.

    Every year the University files over 250 patent applications. Also, it sells goods and services, and purchases equipment, instruments and computers under numerous export and import contracts.

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    Address: MUCT, 9 Miusskaya Square, Moscow, 125190 Russia
    Vice-Rector for Academics(095)978-8740
    Admissions Board(095)978-8520
    International Studies(095)978-8690(095)
    Evening Chemistry School(095)978-8284
    MUCT History Museum(095)256-0384
    Sports Club(095)495-0161
    "Mendeleyevets" Editors(095)978-8857

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    This page created by Alexei B. Gretchikhine

    Thanks to Prof. Midden of Bowling Green State University for helping us to find a home for this page. Also thanks to Prof. Tarasova of MUCT for her priceless comments.

    Last updated January 26, 1996