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  Dear visitors of the Virtual Patent Office,

the office Bohemia Patent cooperates with a lot of specialists, commercial lawyers, solicitors and patent agents at home and abroad, and it acts in all areas of law, particularly with respect to rights to intellectual ownership, industrial rights and rights to designation. Our basic task resides in providing the clients, i.e. to you, a professional help at home and abroad, particularly:

  • protection of inventions and technical solutions by means of patents and utility models

  • protection of product design by means of industrial designs

  • professional and legal consulting in the line of trade marks and appellation of origin, as well as ensuring of their legal protection inclusive renewals of validity of registrations and entries

  • providing of professional services in the matter of trade marks and appellation of origin, e.g. watching on published trade marks in home and foreign professional bulletins according to requests of the client with respect to his(its) trade marks and breaking of trade mark rights, information on the legal condition of the trade mark, trade name

  • ensuring and elaboration of all contractual relations, particularly in the sphere of industrial and authors rights, rights to designation, e.g. trade mark licences, patent licences and model ones, know-how licences, mixed licences, and the like, contracts on sale, transfer or passing of subjects of the intellectual and industrial ownership, contracts on utilization of subjects of the industrial property and fees to originators, and the like

  • ensuring and elaboration of evaluation of all forms of immaterial property, especially of trade marks, patents and models, know-how, licences, software, and the like, in connection with the valid legal arrangement, especially of commercial law and tax one, and in compliance with entrepreneurial intentions of clients

  • providing of professional and legal consulting and ensuring the professional help at solving subject matters and controversial affairs concerning unfair competition, including the representation of clients before a court

  • ensuring and elaboration of searches of all kind at home and abroad, especially with respect to applications of patents, utility models, industrial designs and trade marks, searches as to the state of art, patent unobjectionability and/or technological process, licence searches, trade mark searches and searches concerning firms, informative searches, and the like.

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