Thank you for trying WinGage 2.0a! If the GDI or User available memory falls below 50% for an extended period of time it is suggested that you close all Windows applications and then click on the "R" (Restart Windows) Button. The "X" (Exit Windows) Button does just that. It exits Windows. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- Copy WINGAG.ZIP to a temporary directory (C:\TEMP is a good one), and unzip it with your favorite unzipping program. Next, click on FILE in the Program Manager and then click on RUN. Select the directory you copied WINGAG.ZIP to and select INSTALL.EXE. The install program will copy 6 (six) files to the directory you specify. The filenames follow: README.TXT <---The file you are now reading. REGISTER.TXT <---Registration form. Please print and mail with payment. LICENSE.TXT <---You MUST read this. WINGAGE.EXE WINGAGE.INI THREED.VBX MSMASKED.VBX After the install program copies the files it will create a Program Group and the Program Items necessary to run WinGage. If you have any problems running WinGage, make sure the following files are in your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: THREED.VBX MSMASKED.VBX VBRUN300.DLL If they are not located in that directory then copy the *.VBX files from the directory that WinGage was installed to (i.e. C:\WINGAGE). The file VBRUN300.DLL is not supplied with the WinGage installation files. This file can be downloaded from just about any online service such as CompuServe or America Online or your local BBS. If you are still experiencing problems, you can contact me at the locations listed below and I will try to help you the best I can. REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS ------------------------- You can register WinGage online on CompuServe (GO SWREG) and look for Registration ID# 4876 and follow the instructions. You can also send a check or money order (in US funds only) the address below. The cost of registration is $10.00 for US residents and $12.00 to non-US residents. All prices include shipping and handling. When you register you will receive a registration number which will disable the reminder screen. You will also receive a free upgrade to WinGage. You can send any questions or comments to the addresses below. CompuServe ID: 70614,635 Internet: Snail Mail: Prime Software P.O. Box 851 Manville, NJ 08835 Thanks again for trying WinGage 2.0a and please support the Shareware concept. Joe Hanover Prime Software