Anonymity 4 Proxy (A4Proxy) 1.52 : how to order =============================================== You can register your copy of A4Proxy for $35 US. This price includes a server license and two client licenses. If there are more then two network clients using A4Proxy, you must purchase additional client licenses. All details can be found on our web site: To register, select one of the following ways: 1. Through the World Wide Web. This is the fastest and easiest way. Please go to the A4Proxy registration page at: 2. You can also register the program by sending us the purchase order, or money order, or cheque -- look at the order form ("order.frm"). Phone and fax orders are accepted as well. Please don't send cash to our mailing address. On payment approval (usually, in one-two business days), we'll send you the Registration Update which will remove all limitations of the unregistered version. If you do not get your Registration within a reasonable amount of time (three business days for credit card payments or two weeks for other payments), please notify us about that. Important: when filling the order form, please double-check that your e-mail address is correct. If it is not valid, we will be unable to send you the registration keys. iNetPrivacy Software Inc.