============================================================== Notepad v0.74.00 for Windows - general information ============================================================== Contents: 0. Disclaimer. 1. What is it. 2. Why should I use it. 3. Does the author use it? 4. Installation and requirements. 5. Removing. 6. Known problems. 7. History. ============================================================== 0. Disclaimer. This program is provided "As is", with no guarantees of usefulness or productivity. The author, Konstantin N. Terskih, bear no responsibility for damage to Your system resulting from the use of this program. If You do not agree with these terms, do not install the program. Use of the program implicitly means You have agreed to these terms. 1. What is it. Notepad is a common, simple and easy to use text editor. With Notepad You can view, create, edit and print pure text documents such as *.txt, *.ini, *.bat, *.cmd, *.htm* or whatever. It's a real good replacement for "standard" Windows's Notepad application. Of course, Notepad is absolutely free for non-commercial use. 2. Why should I use it. I start to work on this project becouse I work with "standard" notepad text editor a lot, and I hate notepad's stupid behavior & interface: there is no accelerators ("shortcuts", like "Ctrl+O" or "Ctrl+S" etc.), there is no toolbars for recently using operations, and - finally - there is no text replacement operations! All of that (and something more) successfully implemented in the Notepad v0.74.00. Trust me: it's very, very nice replacement for "standard" notepad! I swear :) 3. Does the author use it? Yes of course. The author, Konstantin N. Terskih, use all of his programs. 4. Installation and requirements. IMPORTANT NOTE 1: if You upgrading from earlier versions of Notepad (earlier than 0.73 only: if You used 0.73, then You shouldn't read this), then You should remove registry key HKCU\Software\Slightly Mad Team\Notepad befor! To achieve this do the following: 1. Run regedit.exe; 2. Select key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Slightly Mad Team\Notepad; 3. Delete this key (press Delete). IMPORTANT NOTE 2: There is a two "copies" of standard notepad.exe on Your NT system: one is c:\winnt\notepad.exe and second is c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe. Replace both. DO NOT RENAME THE ORIGINAL NOTEPAD.EXE! This program is intended for WinNT4.0/2000 and built under NT. But it works just fine under Windows95OSR2/98/Mil with IE5 or greater and MFCDLL Shared Library version 6.00.8447.0 (i.e. 6.0) or greater. There is no special instructions for installation. Just find all of "notepad.exe" on Your disk(s), remove (bad idea) or archive (good idea) it, and then put new Notepad executable anywhere, but better place it in "C:\%WinDir%\" (f.e. C:\WinNT\). 5. Removing. Read installation instructions and restore old binaries. 6. Known problems. Please - read Problems.txt befor! Mail me if You have encountered any real problems. 7. History. Please, read History.txt - now all historical information about Notepad 0.**/0.**.** resides in that file. ============================================================== EOF