Welcome to ShowMaker!||With ShowMaker you can create slide shows and browse media files.|You create a new slide show by choosing the menu "File | New Project".|You can then add new slides to the slide show by dragging thumbnails from the files window to the slide show window. If you need a new feature not supported yet by ShowMaker, then contact dmagic and the feature will probably be implemented in a future version. (If it does not conflict with keeping the userinterface simple.) You can enable some cool features using the "File | Preferences" menu. You can make the userinterface look even more simple by checking the "Hide irrelevant menus while unfunctional." checkbox in the "Preferences" dialog. You can use a slide show project to hold your favorite midi files and listen to them using the slide show project. This is the last tip!||If you do not want to see this dialog again, then remove the check in "Show Tips at start up".|If you want to start from the beginning then click next once again.