Planned For The Next Release * Bug fixes again... * Improvement of the audio editor * Big surprise :) (I know already what it is ;) * More features to come Whats New So, here comes EAC 0.85 beta 4. I added the beta version number in order to prevent disinformations in the mailing list, to identify the version correctly. All main remaining bugs from beta 3 should be removed now and I will start work on version 0.9 beta. Mainly the bugs with NT are removed now, further the wrong ending times of some CDs on some drives should now be corrected, although it is still possible that very few CDs will still not work (mainly CDs with only few tracks). If you have such a CD you should start EAC (for that CD) with 2-September-99 the command line option -nomultisession then. Also it is now possible to create CUE sheets with CD-Text additions (but I heard, that sometimes CDRWin does not create CD-Text CDs on such CUE sheets even if it does accept the CUE sheet). I have now two domains that will be ready somewhen next week, so I will move... The new address for EAC will be and my private homepage will be at I will keep up this site a month or so and then all users will be redirected to the new pages automatically... Again sorry, I just found another possible bug, that I just removed. It has to again with some WAV files in the wave editor making EAC stop. It only happened when having selected "No use of null samples for CRC calculations". 2-August-99 Further I corrected the bug with the CDDB batch function. It should now work also. So please download again that version... Sorry! I think this is still not the "final" 0.85 beta version, as I want to fix the Toshiba/etc "Can't find matching read mode" bug first... So keep updated ;) I am terribly sorry, but I could test as much as I want, it would never be enough ;) I just returned from my weekend, so I hadn't the possibility to do anything on it until now... So users already reported my three severe bugs. I just removed these bugs and already put up an updated version (same version number though) * If no WM Audio Codec was installed, EAC would produce WMA files instead of WAV files when using Internal WAV Routines * Some WAVs loading in the audio editor make EAC stop at FFTWnd.2338 * If no system TEMP directory was specified EAC started 1-August-99 up with an error message at WndProcs.1093 Thanks for all reports on these bugs, but I will not answer the mails that only reporting one of these bugs, there were much too many of them ;) It is possible that some drives will now make problems with 0.85beta when inserting a CD. If so, try the commandline options -nomultisession and -nocdtext when starting EAC (as explained on my Tips & Specs page)! Further, several persons asked me not to use such a mailing list. They thought that will spread their email addresses and that they will be mail bombed with SPAM. On the homepage of is declared that they will not distribute any email address and that they will not send any unsolicited email. The only bad thing is that a small advertisment is added below each mail. Finally, EAC 0.85 beta is out! I hope you like it, there were really many changes to 0.81 beta, but I think you will see for yourself. New features that in 0.85 beta adding to the features listed in the previous news * Certified Escient ® CDDB(TM) Compatible * Absolute sample offset detection * Overreading capability for extracting correctly with non-zero offsets * Preliminary WMA (MS Audio) support * Sorry to say that interpolation in the audio editor is still not really improved, I will do it for the next version... There are still some more informations... I started a new CD-ROM drive database, please help me to fill it out as good as possible. Have a look at the table and send me the information for your drives. Please make 30-July-99 sure for the sample offset to test it with at least two different CDs and to use at least 0.85 beta! I don't have the time anymore to give email support for EAC or similar problems. From now I started two mailing lists at The first list is for users asking other users for help. I hope that many experienced users will help the other... The second mailing list is, like the mailing list I maintained so far, only a announcement mailing list. If you are not interested in tips and help from other users you probably want only subscribe to eac-announce. In the announcement list all news about EAC are spread. For all persons already in my mailing list : The current database will be lost, so please subscribe again at eac-announce. I try to answer to problems in the mailing list, if no one else find a solution to a problem, but do not mail me to my email address for help. I will not answer on such mails. The only exception would be if you encountered an unknown bug and I want you to help me debugging the problem. Thanks for your understanding! As I still have no confirmation of CDDB that EAC complies to the license agreement, I have to move the release date by a week. On the other hand I have some more time to do some additional features for the audio editor ;) It took some time, because there were always some terms of license not correctly implemented. The last thing I had to change was the proxy and the proxy authentification... Sorry, but complying to the license agreement I had to remove them for 0.85 beta! If there are any complaints, please mail to them directly... So, new release date will be 30.7.99.. Hope you are not disappointed too much ;) Other new features that will be in 0.85 beta 21-July-99 * Nearly complete change of the audio editor, now it becomes usable ;) * Loop record mode for always having an amount of time in memory buffers, making it possible to start recording that amount later (for records from radio, etc. ) * Automatic rename of MP3 files according to their ID3 Tag * Catalog of audio CDs, allowing to extract a specified time from the start of each track with optional fade out * Copy with gap prepend at the beginning of the correct track (with matching CUE sheet generation) * Some more bugfixing and some more new features... Sorry to say that version 0.85beta is still not completed, but following a list of new features already implemented. A prebeta version is tested at the moment, meanwhile I will work on improvements of the audio editor. I expect that the official 0.85beta will be released somewhen around 23. July 99... Already implemented * Secure mode for accurate stream drives that caches * Proxy authentification for CDDB and lyrics accesses * Multisession CD support * CD playing digitally possible (without cable) * Position slider for CD playing * Automatic creation of directories by filename specification * Power down computer after extraction * Priority selection for extraction and compression * More drive options (e.g. swap channels, spin up, etc.) * 3 different gap detection methods, so at least one should work with each drive * Better support for external compressors * Support for 10 types of external compressors (MP3, VBR, AAC, VQF, RA) * Batch compression feature with selected compression scheme 3-June-99 * Batch decompression feature with automatically choosen decompressor (only .WAVs and .MP3s) * Compression and decompression could make an offset correction, as some compression schemes do not compress correctly. Also including autodetection for offset value * Local CDDB support * Saving options to registry * Creating and loading user profiles * Automatic changes to track names (e.g. upper all first characters) * CD-Text support * Submission of CD data to the official CDDB database * Export of CD data to text files, etc. * WAV recorder with dB level meter and peak level search (in dB) for checking on overamplified recordings * ID3 Tag editor with drag and drop from track list or CD database browser * Some more smaller features... * Really many bugfixes, e.g. IDE Yamaha crash on startup, Sync Error at the end of the last track, etc. Moreover, I am sorry to say that version 0.81beta will pop up a dialog telling the version is rather old, without having a new public version out. I will try to patch that version and put a "new" 0.81beta version again on my page... Work for 0.85 beta is in still progress and will most probably take two more month... I nearly finished CDDB submission and also implemented some other features like three different methods for gap detection to support now nearly any drive out. Therefore I already removed a bug that caused EAC to hang in index retrieval (not gap detection). It could happen that EAC will not leaving a loop :( But it is fixed already. A faster gap/index 11-March-99 detection mode will work for Plextor/Yamaha/etc. Further there is a bug that occurs sometimes when a track has been extracted, causing EAC to stop around Utils.5707. Hope that it will be fixed soon... Because I will buy a new computer tomorrow, I won't be able to read or answer mails until my system is build up and installed all software again. I think it will be completed something around sunday or monday. So please be patient... I am sorry that it took that long to finish the bug fix, but on the one hand I wanted to remove all that really bigger bugs and on the other hand I got the flu and couldn't concentrate on anything week before last week... Now I am almost ok again ;) So here is the (new) version that should fix most of the bugs of 0.8beta. 0.8 beta will be removed completly from the server, as the new one has nearly the same features... The new version includes * Fix of error detection and correction that does not worked correctly in 0.8beta! Further I replaced the guessing routines with the ones from 0.7beta, as many mailed me that the newer ones worked not as good as them. When I find out how to improve them, they will be back again, but for now the older guessing routines should work ok for most users. * Fix of not finding matching read modes for some Philips and Toshiba drives. On these drives it is also necessary to select the option 'Check for density parameters'. Further, some drives need to 19-February-99 change wordnibbles to get correct results (otherwise only noise is extracted). For that a new option is included. * The obsolete part that slowed down burst copy is now removed. Now it will copy on my Plex 14/32 with max 16.5X (accesses to harddisk too slow, because I only use a cheap Fast-SCSI card) and test tracks with something around 23.0X. * Added 'intelligent' WAV file comparison. It will detect missing and extraneous bytes everywhere in the files and also gather other differences of both files. This feature could also be used in the WAV editor to easily select ranges of differences. Furthermore it could be used to determine the combined reader/writer offset. * The WAV editor now has another filter, smoothing. This is helpful for many kinds of defects beside clicks and pops. It seems that the IDE versions of the Yamaha CD-R(W) drives will cause many problems, mainly crashing EAC on startup. Therefore I added command line options for these drives for the moment. I will soon debug this on such a drive. No other drives seem to cause such problems... Now here it is, the new official 0.8beta. ;) It was really a long time without any updates, but I think it was worth the time. Even if it has no really big new features, but many improvements and bugfixes on nearly all functions. The new version includes * New fast secure read modes for accurate readers and also for drives that caches * Complete improvement of read modes and Test read function, allowing to calculate CRC checksums without using disk space * BladeEnc DLL support * Remove leading and trailing silence * Fill missing offset samples with silence * Automatic detection of drive features 22-January-99 * Selection of extensions for headerless WAV files * Test detected gaps on silence * Save extraction log * Selection of error recovery quality for faster extraction on bad CDs * WAV editor with already some functions for editing, more to come... * Many bugfixes, too many to mention There are still many bugs, but I hope to remove them sooner or later. If EAC makes problems on your computer, please read the What's New page. I will do nothing on EAC the next week, but then work for 0.9beta will begin. Many people told me a lot of ideas of improvement. Because there were too much mail the last month, I would ask to tell me the not yet implemented ideas again, if not stated in the 'Planned for next release'. But also experiences are appreciated! I am sorry to say that the release date will be some days later. New expected release date will be the 22.1.98. The last weeks I had lot of work at the university and EAC also took much work to finish all features I planned for 14-January-99 0.8 beta. You will surely be surprised which features are now really in it... :) I have to say the 0.8 beta will not have these announced features: Submission of CDDB entries, Support of other local CDDB databases and Proxy authentification. But I will try to include it in version 0.9 beta then. I did not had as much time as I wanted the last two weeks. So I didn't work on EAC very much. But now, I have christmas holidays and work will go on a little bit faster again. From now on, I will not only send notifications on new versions to the people in my mailing list, but also everytime a news entry is added to the What's New page. The mail will contain the newsentry... If you don't want to be in the mailing list anymore, just send me a mail. 22-December-98 Thanks. Expected release date of EAC 0.8 beta will be 18.1.99, but I have to wait if there are still bigger problems with it, this release date could change. By the way, today I visited the 'Star Trek World Tour', but was not as big as I thought... The ratio of fun/money could be much better, but Star Trek fans will nevertheless have a look at it ;) So, I wish everybody merry christmas and a happy new year! Work is going on pretty well, but I have to say that it is most probably, that CDDB submission will not be in 0.8beta. I am sorry for that, but if I would implement it right now, the release date will move at least a month... So I decided to put it back until 0.9beta. All other features are implemented in time, at least I hope so. There will be plenty of new features in version 0.8beta, also some that are not named in the list above :) But furthermore there will be some annoying bugs removed, at first the bug, that the last sector of a CD is not read in any case. So the last track will be one sector too short always. This was a really silly bug and I am sorry for that. Moreover there are error poping up like Assign Range at Utils.2593 and that the system slows down totally 29-November-98 when starting EAC. So please do not mail me if you encounter any of these bugs, I know them already and I work on their removal. I don't know if I am able to remove them all completly, but I will try so. I have to say, that NOBODY mailed me regarding my last news entry (a few lines down) from the 5-November. :( If you are not getting pops, you probably made a CDDB database by yourself... There is one more favour, I would like to ask. If you encounter any new link of a really big shareware site to my page, please tell me. And moreover if you find any review of EAC (or something similar) in a computer magazin, I really would like to have a copy of it (or at least the according pages, or if postage is too expansive, also a scan of that page would be sufficient)... Thanks in forward! I am already working on the next version, and for that I want to ask everybody who often got pops on extraction to send these to me to test my routines... I am in need of some real pops! ;) Furthermore I will start a EAC database project now. If you have build up your own database (perhaps also some with lyrics), please send it to me. I will build one huge 5-November-98 database of all your CDs and put it somewhere in the web. This will help those, who don't have internet access (or not always). Please send me a short mail if you want to send me WAV files or databases that are over 10 kb in size... Thanks in forward! Don't expect any program updates until christmas, only if big bugs have to be removed :) Release Date of version 0.7beta This version mainly bugfixes many small and some bigger problems, also the hanging on some systems and some CDDB problems... The new version includes * CRC checksum calculation for tracks * Test read function, allowing to calculate CRC checksums without using disk space * Disabling CD Autostart feature for runtime of EAC * Lyrics support (first try ;) * External MP3 compression support (including long filenames and ID3 tagging) * Automatic CUE Sheet creation of CD's (including all track indices!) * Time format could be changed from hundredth seconds 2-November-98 to frames * Leaving out WAV header (optional) for true MP3 files or raw audio data * Batch CDDB queries * Lots of bug fixes, and as always some new bugs (drive reset, speed selection and CDDB bugs should be fixed now) One of the main bugs still in EAC reported by my beta testers is that after extraction the system is not really stable anymore at least on some systems. I don't know why yet, because on my system everything seems to be ok. But to be on the safe side you should reboot if you need a real stable system. Sorry! By the way, my Plextor came back like new after a week of repair... But I decided to sell that one and bought a new Plextor 32TSI already. Furthermore today I bought a Soundblaster Live! :) I already removed many bugs of version 0.6beta, but there is still the main bug in it... On some systems (until now only SCSI systems are affected) the system hangs after starting extraction. The drive LEDs are flashing like the drives doing a reset. The flashing LEDs bug is already removed, but on these systems there is another bug on it (perhaps very similar to that other bug), that will read now the first part of the track only zero samples and the 21-October-98 rest correctly. I will go debugging it on a friends computer next week. Because of that many bugs, I decided to bring out a new version earlier than planned. If everything works fine and I will find that bug, version 0.7beta is planned to come out end of next week. It will not have all features described above, to be honest the main features (Submission, Pop Removal and Secure Mode for Caching Drives) will miss. But I think bug fixing should be done first. There seems some problems with EAC v0.6beta on some systems. There was one report of extracting too slow (possibly only Plextor 32TSI) and one report of not ripping of second or third drives. Only the first drive was used for extraction even if another one was 5-October-98 selected... If you also think you have found a bug, please test it also with older versions (like 0.5beta and 0.4beta). If both are not working, it is an old bug not found yet, otherwise it is one that is new in 0.6beta (What is interesting for me to know...) Release Date of version 0.6beta I hope this is a pretty stable version and that the main feature, the CDDB support will work properly. The new version includes * Remote CDDB database support * Listen to suspicious positions * Glitch removal * Fix of speed detection and selection * Browse and edit of the local database * Spindown on errors and fallback afterwards * Some bug fixes, some new bugs * Update of almost all my webpages, but still no real private homepage... It will be done as soon I find 1-October-98 time next week... ;) * Moved old versions to a subdirectory, because some web pages still points to these old versions like 0.1beta or 0.2beta... Development will slow down a little bit, because at the moment there is lot of other work to do at the university (that start again next week), preperations for examinations and seminars, furthermore I still have to work besides to earn some money. But really bad is that yesterday my nice Plextor TSI 12/20 cdrom drive killed itself somehow. The drive will not accept any CDs anymore and sometimes the red LED flashes five times, over and over again. This will delay development at least some weeks, I hope I find my guarantee billet, I don't want to buy a new drive... :( I am back from holidays... The holidays at home were nice (of course not as nice as REAL holidays...), I did a lot of cycling and relaxing. I just got informed that there is a bug when using the 27-September-98Fraunhofer Codec and selecting 48 kHz samplerate... You shouldn't use it until 48 kHz mode is fixed (or removed)... The expected release date is still 1.10.98... Only smaller things to do and some bugs to fix. Now I have completed nearly all new features, only some more fixes to 'Listen to possible Errors'. There is still some work to do, e.g. in this 'Listen' dialog it will be possible to remove glitches from the wave (only if uncompressed). Of course this will remove only glitches, that means if only one sample is out of the stream and create by this a pop, it will be removed by the routine. I plan to also add a routine to remove pops that are bigger 17-September-98and burried in the sound... But not in this version. Expected release date for version 0.6beta is 1.10.98, because I want wait for the people at CDDB to check the CDDB support to be bug-free... Important: I will go on holidays tomorrow (only some holidays at home (where I come from, not here at the university) :(, that means I am not able to respond to mail until 27.9.98... Please be patient. I am still working on CDDB routines, but I already finished CDDBP support (hopefully), still lacking HTTP support. I hope to finish the rest of it in a week, so I could send the admins of CDDB a pre-beta version to get an ok for public release. Meanwhile I will work on the rest of the new features, that also should be finished until end of september, that will be a release date of the next version. Of course it could be a week more or less... If I 10-September-98know an exact date, I will publish it here. I need more informations on Offset Sample feature, so please help me to improve it. If you own a Plextor drive (12x or more) then test all CDs you own in the list on the Technology page. Get the sample offset of each CD (should(!) be 0 on all Plextors) and send it to me together with the code written on the inner ring on the back of the CD (e.g. 532 618-2 02) and the title of the CD. Thanks... Release Date of version 0.5beta A few days ago I saw that the program crashes on some systems, even the version 0.4beta. Damn. Why didn't anyone told me that this happened? Now it is too late for this version to fix it. I will have some tests if I can get hold of such a computer. I have to install my complete programming environment and then debug the whole thing... It still seems to be a problem with the ASPI interface. The new version includes * Local CDDB database * Import/Export of cdplayer.ini entries * Filename construction and ID3 Tags * Sample Offset detection and correction 26-August-98 * Speed detection and selection. This feature was made in a hurry and will work or not. It should show up the possible speeds in the selection box. If you think, that the values are not correct or the speed actually read is faster than the selected, please tell me! * Beep or eject CD after task finished * Some more safety checks and other stuff * Two more extraction methods * Still old bugs * Update of almost all my webpages * Making all old versions available for download I am not able to read or answer mails until next monday, so please be patient... I have nearly finished the local CDDB and Cdplayer.ini support. I will try to finish both speed selection and 18-August-98 sample offsets until expected release date 26.8.98, but I can't promise. It's a problem to me, testing my speed selection routines with my drives and my ASPI interface... I am terribly sorry, by accident I changed the link to EAC v0.4beta back to v0.3beta... 11-August-98 It is now fixed again... Sorry... The student server will go down next weekend. It should be up again on monday morning. Release Date of version 0.4beta At first I have to excuse me about a speed calculation bug. The calculation uses a wrong constant and the result was slightly higher (to be precise, 1.176 times higher). So this is now fixed and the cd-rom drive table is updated. I just wanted to tell, because otherwise some will think the program is getting slower. I hope to have found the solution of the ASPI bug, not showing up any drives, but I will wait if this is correct. ASPI Error EBh still comes up in some versions of ASPI, sorry. The new version includes 7-August-98 * CD player functions and prelistening to ranges * Detection of pre-track gaps * Burst extraction method * Some new bugs New known bugs are * The detection of pre-track gaps will take far too long on some computers (usually it should take a second per track). I will need some more tests on these computers. The detected values are not 100% correct in these cases. * Find out yourself... Our student server was down yesterday. If somebody send me 5-August-98 an e-mail that I haven't answered yet, please re-sent the e-mail. I have nearly finished two new features of EAC: CD player functions and gap length determination. All CD rippers, I know of, will append the gap between two audio tracks to the previous track. My program will now analyze the CD and determine the length of each gap. It 31-July-98 will be possible to append the gap or to left it out. These two features are surely in 0.4beta (it will take a week more until next update), but I will try also to implement block offsets for non-accurate stream drives. I don't know if I could do the spindown already in this version... Release Date of version 0.3beta This new beta is forced to come out, because version 0.2beta made problems on a huge number of computers. Main problems was "Access Violation" and "ASPI interface could not be initialized". These errors are still in EAC, but it should run on more computers again. I still don't know why the ASPI Interface often could not be initialized (This is not only a bug in my program - try starting 22-July-98 ASPICHK from Adaptec. On my computer it always shows the same intialization failure). Have a try with different ASPI versions to install. The new version includes * Normalization of extracted audio * Safety check for available harddisk space * Compile-time dynamic linking of the ASPI interface * more or less bugs ;) I recognized that EAC won't work on many computer having either an "Access Violation" or an error message "ASPI interface could not be initialized". I'm already working on this problem and I hope to bring out a new bug-fixed version on 22-July. 20-July-98 Interfacing the ASPI dll caused these problems, because my compiler has not a C compatible parameter passing. So I will use compile-time dynamic linking in that version. I hope it will work. Normalization is nearly done and probably also in the new version. Release Date of version 0.2beta including * Copy of ranges of audio cds 15-July-98 * Fast reading mode * Still some bugs * New homepage This "Whats New" page will updated more often than the downloads 5-July-98 Back from my one week england holiday ;) Release Date of version 0.1beta including * Secure reading mode 25-June-98 * Emulate deactivate cache * ACM CODEC support * Hidden sector synchronization * Usage of the Win 95/NT ASPI Interface * A lot of bugs