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Order Form

ClapSE «
Ordering by check:  To order by check send this order form and a check to:

Jorge A. Dana 

and sent to: 
	Argenet Inc. 
	1230 York Ave. Suite 411, MailBox 140, 
	NY ZIP: 10021, USA. 
	Phone: 1-212-879-4076, Fax: 1-212-879-4076

Payments must be in US dollars drawn on a US bank, or you can send international postal money orders in US dollars.

Purchase Orders.
Site licenses: a site license for ClapSE entities an organization to receive one copy of the distribution package and duplicate the distribution disk for the specified number of copies.

ClapSE is shipped on 3.5 inch disks only.
Prices include shipping by postal mail (airmail outside USA).
Prices guaranteed through December, 2000.


DESCRIPTION                  PRICE    

Personal single user        $   45
OEM licence (100 pack)      $  400

ClapSE Single Copy    ____    copies at $45 each = ______
ClapSE Site License

                         Total payment             ______

            Name: _______________________Date:___________
         Company: _______________________________________
         Address: _______________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________
         Country: _______________________________________
       Day Phone: _________________Eve:__________________
Electronic Mail address: ________________________________
How did you hear about ClapSE? __________________________
