***************************************************************************** * Haruka Narushima * * - data for WKISS * * Copyright(C)1995 by Neat * * Translated by Hitoshi Ozawa * * Release 1995/10/05 * ***************************************************************************** Thank you for down-loading Haruka Narushima data for WKISS. This is a data for WKISS cloth changing doll program. Requirements ***************************************************************** Hardware: 80386 or higher machine 4MB or more RAM memory Software: Windows 3.1 WKISS Cloth changing doll program filename:WKISS.LZH Included Files ************************************************************** *.CEL Graphics cell data files *.CNF Cell definition file *.KCF Color palette specification file NTKS03E.DOC Japanese README.TXT file README.TXT The file you are reading right now Liability ******************************************************************* The author and the developer of this software will not take any responsibilities for any damages that may occur with the use of this software. The files contained in NTKS03E.LZH are distributed "as is" and without any expressed and implied warranties. The user assumes the entire risk of using the software. Installation **************************************************************** If you installed a LHA.DLL, there is no need to extract file. Just open the NTKS03E.LZH file from WKISS. Otherwise, extract NTKS03E.LZH in a directory (preferably in its own sub-directory). Afterthoughts *************************************************************** I'm Neat. To most of you, this is the first time we've met. This is my fourth KISS data as of this date. This drawing came to being to test connection between my PC98 and PC88 pen tablet, which I bought from my co-worker for 1,000 yen. I really wasn't planning on making a KISS data. The reason the character is drawn so small is because of the tablet limitations. By the way, this is my first original character. And this is the first time I drew a nude figure. Until the next time we meet in my next software (if I ever make one). Distribution **************************************************************** Haruka Narushima data for WKISS may be freely distributed if the following conditions are obeyed: 1. If it is to be copied to another forum or to another distribution channel, please contact the developer to let us know exactly where it is to be copied. We will need this information to maintain and upgrade Haruka Narushima data for WKISS at all locations. 2. This program can be distributed only in the original archived NTKS03E.LZH formatted file. Do not change this file or any files within. 3. Please make it apparent that Haruka Narushima data for WKISS is a FREE SOFTWARE. It is necessary to state this in the program description. 4. If this program is to be mentioned in any article, please send an E-mail to one of the developers. If it is going to be distributed in any other ways (e.g. CD-ROM), please contact the developer. The developer is willing to discuss other means of distribution. Please send a mail to one of the E-mail addresses in the support section below. Copyright ******************************************************************* Haruka Narushima data for WKISS is copyrighted by Neat. No part of this program or data may be reproduced, in any form or by any means, without a written permission from Neat. Support ********************************************************************** Support for Haruka Narushima data for WKISS is provided by E-mail. If you have any question, opinion, suggestions, or any other comments, please send an E-mail to: Neat Internet: kfb03251@niftyserve.or.jp For a list of other Japanese software: http://www.bekkoame.or.jp/~h_ozawa/ Microsoft is a registered trademark and Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States of America and other countries. Other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.