16 LEFT HANDED 17 RIGHT HANDED 18 YOU ARE LOOKING AT A 19 GUITAR AS IT WOULD APPEAR RESTING ON YOUR LAP. 20 DO YOU WANT A DEMO OF CHORD BUSTER? 21 GUITAR PICTURE 22 To adjust your REAL guitar or COMPUTER guitar tuning, click the 'Setup' menu and select 'Tuning...' 23 Take your REAL guitar and click 'Strum' to practise. 24 Show the different forms of 25 by clicking the chord pictures to the right. 26 ALL CHORD NOTES ARE PRESENT.. 27 To mute unplayed strings click the note letters at the end of the guitar fretboard below. 28 To design the chord, click at least one note of each colour on the fretboard below. 29 To cancel a note, click it with the other mouse button. 30 Click the notes of your unknown chord on the fretboard below. 31 A chord has not been found yet. 32 To select other ways of playing this chord, click 'Designer chords' or 'Standard chords'. 33 Select strum 34 Practise strum 35 Click the chords at the bottom of the screen to strum or delete. 36 The chord has been deleted. It can be replaced next time you store a chord. 37 Take your REAL guitar and tune it to the COMPUTER guitar. 38 To customize the tuning, click the green tuning pegs on the COMPUTER guitar. 39 It is preferable to tune your REAL guitar first without the capo, and then position the capo. 40 To hear the COMPUTER guitar notes, click the coloured buttons over the strings. To silence a note, click the flashing button. 41 PLEASE WAIT FOR THE GUITAR TO BE LOADED 42 YOU MUST DELETE CHORDS STORED WITH THE CURRENT GUITAR BEFORE CHANGING TO A NEW GUITAR. 43 STORED CHORDS WARNING 44 MIDI SYSTEM ERROR 45 YOU HAVE SELECTED A CHORD WHICH REQUIRES YOUR FINGERS TO SPREAD MORE THAN 4 FRETS. IT MAY BE TOO DIFFICULT TO PLAY!! DO YOU WISH TO STORE IT? 46 FINGER SPAN TOO LARGE 47 You may store up to 48 TOO MANY STORED CHORDS 49 Continue modifying the chord or click '< Restart' to clear the current selection. 50 To insert or delete chords, select them with the mouse and click the 'Insert' or 'Delete buttons. 51 THIS NOTE SELECTION IS NOT LISTED, BUT YOU MAY LIKE ITS SOUND. DO YOU WANT TO STORE IT ANYWAY? 52 STORE AN UNLISTED CHORD 53 on string 54 YOUR NOTE SELECTION DOES NOT INCLUDE ALL THE CHORD NOTES, BUT YOU MAY LIKE ITS SOUND. DO YOU WANT TO STORE IT ANYWAY? 55 STORE AN INCOMPLETE CHORD 56 'STANDARD CHORDS' NEED 'STANDARD' TUNING EADGBE. 57 DO YOU WANT TO USE 'STANDARD CHORDS' AND RETUNE THE COMPUTER GUITAR TO 'STANDARD' TUNING? 58 TUNING ADVICE 59 YOU HAVE STORED CHORDS WITH SPECIAL TUNINGS. 'STANDARD CHORDS' USE THE 'STANDARD' TUNING. 60 IF YOU WISH TO USE 'STANDARD CHORDS', GO TO 'STORED CHORDS' AND DELETE THE CHORDS 61 YOU HAVE NOT STORED ANY CHORDS YET. 62 NO STORED CHORDS 63 YOU ARE USING 'STANDARD CHORDS' WHICH NEED 'STANDARD' TUNING EADGBE. 64 DO YOU WANT TO TUNE THE COMPUTER GUITAR TO NON-STANDARD TUNING? (YOU WILL HAVE TO USE 'DESIGNER CHORDS' OR 'UNKNOWN CHORDS' IF YOU ANSWER YES). 65 YOU HAVE STORED CHORDS WITH ANOTHER TUNING. TO CREATE CHORDS IN A NEW TUNING, DELETE THE STORED CHORDS. 66 NO CAPO SET 67 THE CAPO SET ON FRET 68 YOU HAVE STORED CHORDS WITH 69 . TO CREATE CHORDS WITH A NEW CAPO POSITION, GO TO 'STORED CHORDS' AND DELETE THE STORED CHORDS. 70 Send sounds to the sound card or an external synthesiser 71 Click scroll bar to control the volume 72 Select the internal or external MIDI devices 73 A sound card is needed for INTERNAL SOUND. You can also connect an EXTERNAL MIDI keyboard to the games port. 74 'Chord Buster' uses MIDI channel 13. 75 If you get NO SOUND from the sound card, go to the Windows MIDI setup and adjust the settings. 76 Click the + symbol to get more instruments on the sound card 77 EXTERNAL keyboards connected to your games port may produce different sounds. 78 Click to test the instrument sound 79 Click to cancel selections 80 Click to close this window 81 Click to change guitar orientation 82 Change the size of the computer guitar 83 Select a colour or picture in the background 84 Select Right-handed or Left-handed guitars 85 Activate the selections 86 Make a picture or colour selection 87 Go back to previous stage 88 Select left or right-handed guitar, background picture or colour 89 Tune the strings of your guitar 90 Select a strumming style 91 Click to finish tuning your guitar 92 Click to play or silence the note on string 93 Delete the stored chord 94 Controls for the automatic guitar tuner 95 Tutorial screen providing help and feedback 96 Click to show this stored chord on the fretboard 97 Store the selected chord 98 Find popular standard chords in the chord book 99 Design customised chords 100 Find a chord root and name from a fretboard pattern 101 Play or delete stored chords 102 Strum the selected chord 103 Click scroll bar to control the speed of each pick of the string 104 Click scroll bar to control the rate of the automatic strum 105 Click to select a preset strum 106 Click to listen to the selected strum 107 Clicking there, frets the string down 108 Clicking there, leaves the string open 109 Clicking there includes the string in the chord 110 Clicking there mutes the string 111 You have tuned string 112 to 113 Delete all the stored chords 114 YOU HAVE FOUND THE CHORD 115 S 116 LISTED IN THE YELLOW BOX. To view a chord's notes, click the list.... 117 No Capo 118 Fret 119 Capo on fret 120 tuning - 121 S&ound off 122 S&ound on 123 Stop Strum 124 Strum 125 Save 126 SAVED CHORDS 127 Store 128 STANDARD CHORDS 129 DESIGNER CHORDS 130 UNKNOWN CHORDS 131 Right-handed guitar 132 Left-handed guitar 133 Adjust the MIDI musical effects 134 Drop-down list providing pre-set and custom tunings 135 Drop-down list providing chord types 136 Click the arrows to place a capo on the frets 137 Enables the changing of the root of the chord to 138 Current capo position 139 Click to open the chord selector. ('+' symbols show more chords) 140 Click to turn the 141 Click to activate the guitar tuner 142 Click to silence the guitar tuner 143 Click to show this standard chord on the fretboard 200 OK 201 Cancel 202 Test the sound 203 Select MIDI device 204 Set Volume 205 Select instrument(sound card list) 206 Select background 207 Picture 208 Colour 209 Select... 210 Size guitar 211 Right handed guitar 212 Custom 213 Set strum tempo 214 Set strum attack 215 Choose strum 216 This chord can be stored at the bottom of the screen by clicking the 'Store' button. 217 Setup 218 SEQUENCER 219 Tuning on computer guitar 220 Capo on computer guitar 221 Tune your guitar 222 Play note 223 Silence note 224 < Restart 225 Delete all 226 Delete 227 Stored chords 228 Unknown chords 229 Designer chords 230 Standard chords 231 &File 232 &Exit 233 &Root 234 &Chord name 235 &Setup 236 S&ound off 237 &MIDI... 238 St&rum... 239 &Guitar and background... 240 &Tuning... 241 Ch&ord and song builder 242 &Standard chords 243 &Designer chords 244 &Unknown chords 245 S&tored chords 246 &Help 247 &Contents of Chord Buster... 248 &Search for Chord Buster Help on... 249 &How to use Help... 250 &About Chord Buster 251 Right 252 Left 253 S&equencer 254 Sequencer 255 Table to lay out chord sequence 256 To place a chord in the sequence, drag up a stored chord into the table. 257 Strum the stored chord 258 Save the chords on disk 259 Strum the selected chord sequence 260 Delete the selected chord sequence 261 Delete all sequence chords 262 Save chords and the sequence on disk 263 You may drag this to the sequencer 264 List to show found chords 265 Demonstration of the task 266 Play and edit a sequence of stored chords 267 Drag a chord here 268 Root 269 Chord Name 270 Select a Root and Chord Name 271 Give the unknown chord a name 272 (Fret positions) 273 This is an open string tuning. 274 Insert 275 Retrieve chords 276 Save chords 277 &Print 278 Print setup 279 Select picture 280 Select colour 281 YOU HAVE NOT STORED ANY CHORDS YET. THE SEQUENCER NEEDS STORED CHORDS TO DRAG INTO CHORD SEQUENCES 282 NO STORED CHORDS FOR THE SEQUENCER 283 &Open 284 P&rinter Setup... 285 DRAG A CHORD TO THE BLANK CELL, OR DELETE THE CELL 286 Pick Timer 287 Adjust the repeat rate of the note 288 To retrieve this sequence in future, select the menu 'File - Open... 289 The strum has been applied to the selected chord sequence. 290 To insert spaces for chords, click or drag your mouse over the insertion point and click the 'Insert' button. 291 To set up new strums, select the menu 'Setup - Strum...' and choose a new strum. To allocate the strum, select a chord sequence with the mouse and click the purple list. 292 To save the stored chords and sequence on disk, click the menu 'File - Save... 293 &Edit 294 C&opy 295 &Insert 296 Delete &All 297 &Delete 298 &Restart 299 &Store 300 &Save 301 &Play 302 &Strum 303 Other chord shapes 304 SETTING UP CHORD BUSTER... 305 &Stop Strum 306 chords. If you want to store this chord, delete another first. 307 &Copy screen to Clipboard 308 &Paste 309 Paste 310 Copy 311 S&ave As.. 312 Paste the selected chord sequence 313 Insert chords into the selection 314 Delete the selected chord sequence 315 Copy the selected chord sequence 316 Untitled sequence 317 Cancel Practice 318 &Lessons for Beginners to Advanced... 319 PRESS F1 KEY FOR HELP NOW! 320 TO GET THE PREPARED GUITAR LESSONS, CLICK THE HELP MENU AND SELECT 'LESSONS FOR BEGINNERS TO ADVANCED...'. 321 Chord Buster Lessons 322 Save Custom 323 Cancel Custom 324 Delay 325 Interval 326 Editing strum 327 Editing new strum based on 328 Practising 329 Cancel the editor without saving the strum 330 Save the edited strum and exit 331 WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR INTRODUCTION TO GUITAR CHORD BUSTER! 332 THIS FEATURE IS NOW UNAVAILABLE IN THIS DEMO BUT WE HOPE YOU ARE ENJOYING YOUR INTRODUCTION TO GUITAR CHORD BUSTER! 333 Change the fixed interval by dragging right or left 334 Change the strum by dragging the mouse over the dots and lines 335 Change this note's delay by dragging right or left 336 Add new notes to the strum 337 Delete the selected note or fixed interval 338 Cancel editing this strum and create a new strum 339 Type the volume of the note, 0 up to 1 340 YOU HAVE NOT INCLUDED ANY NOTES IN THIS CHORD. STORAGE IS CANCELLED. 341 NO NOTES SELECTED 342 DO YOU WANT TO EDIT THIS STRUM? (ANSWER NO TO ADD A NEW STRUM) 343 EDIT STRUMS 344 YOU ARE USING THIS STRUM IN A SEQUENCE. WHEN YOU HAVE FINISHED WITH THE SEQUENCE, YOU MAY EDIT THIS STRUM 345 PERMISSION TO EDIT A STRUM 346 DO YOU WANT TO SAVE THE CURRENT CHORDS? 347 SAVE CHORDS WARNING 348 Add a new fixed interval independent of attack 349 Click the cell where you want to paste the chords 350 New Strum 351 Add Interval 352 Add Pick 353 Volume 354 Delay 355 Drag the red dots and grey intervals to change the strum. 356 Click 'Strum' to hear the pick style. 357 Picked note delays vary with Attack changes. 358 Intervals remain unchanged with Attack changes. 359 A musical bar is an interval of 768 delay units. 360 Set the desired attack before saving the strum. 361 Practise strum - half tempo 362 Customise your own strum 363 Cancel Practice 364 Drag the interval into position 365 Drag the black dot to the strum editor 366 To select a strum, click an item in the green box. 367 Click the + symbols to get more strums. 368 To select strum practice and edit options, click the list below the green box. 369 Take your real guitar and click strum to practise. 370 Slow down the tempo to suit your level. 371 Alter the attack and notice the effect on the picks. 372 TYPE YOUR SEQUENCE NAME 373 TYPE ANY NOTES ABOUT THIS SEQUENCE 374 UNTITLED SEQUENCE